The Yakuza Story So Far:
The ancient boss of the Doushinkai (old dude in the hospital), is dying. The battle for succession has begun. Misumi, second in command of Doushinkai, and boss of Hirata and Yashiro, wants to be the leader of Doushinkai after the old dude's death. A lot of people aren't crazy about Misumi because he's kind of a rebel, so he has to win them over. If Misumi gets the leader job, he has to promote a second in command. Normally, this job would go to Hirata, but he's a douche, so Misumi wants to give it Yashiro, because Yashiro is just more fun!
Hirata is a wuss, and can't actually confront Misumi, so he bugs Yashiro's office and eavesdrops on Misumi's conversation. If Misumi doesn't want him, then Hirata is going to destroy Misumi and become a big deal in the other Yakuza group's subgroup, the Gouda (The Gouda's parent group is the Sanwakai.)
Hirata's plan: Sell drugs, from the Gouda, using Ryuuzaki's group, the Matsubara (a subgroup of Shinseikai/Doushinkai) to raise enough money to basically ruin Misumi, and destroy the Doushinkai.
Yashiro finds out because he fucks Detectives who tip him off to raids by the Japan version of the DEA. He warns Ryuuzaki, because he...meh, likes him well enough... and the conversation is overheard by Hirata and his eavesdropping wiretaps.
Hirata orders Ryuuzaki to kill Yashiro, hoping to use Ryuuzaki as the scapegoat to cover his tracks. Ryuuzaki orders a hitman on Yashiro, but orders him not to kill him. Yashiro is wounded, but lives.
Hirata tries to get Nanahara to use his hate for the Matsubara to kill Ryuuzaki, but he catches on. Hirata then has Chestnut & Co. kidnap Nanahara as a peace offering to the Gouda for the mishap. He orders Chestnut & Co. to kill Nanahara, but Chestnut decides to keep Nanahara alive and use him as his own bargaining chip.
Yashiro leaves the hospital to find Nanahara and Ryuuzaki, and learns that Hirata was behind the whole thing. Nanahara gets away, takes a bullet for Yashiro. Ryuuzaki is taken by Hirata, and Sugimoto is beaten up. Yashiro and Doumeki take Nanahara to Kageyama's and Doumeki takes Yashiro "home," but they end up with a blow job/rimming in the car.
Hirata calls Misumi and tells him it was Ryuuzaki that was selling drugs and tried to kill Yashiro. Misumi orders Whale and Shark to tail Yashiro. Misumi finds out about the drugs from Amou who has been looking into it. Misumi realizes that Hirata was the one behind the whole thing.
Doumeki takes Yashiro back to his apartment, and Yashiro and Doumeki have post traumatic sex. Yashiro falls in love with Doumeki, and leaves him behind to protect him from mean Yakuza.
Yashiro calls Chestnut and tells him get Hirata's drugs and plant them at Ryuuzaki's office, and Yashiro then hitches a ride with Whale and Shark who have been tailing him.
Hirata uses Ryuuzaki's girlfriend as leverage against Ryuuzaki to get him to finish the job and kill Yashiro. He agrees, but he then grabs a knife from Hirata's men and stabs Hirata in the back. Hirata in turn stabs Ryuuzaki in the stomach.
Yashiro calls in some favors and uses Ryuuzaki as the fallguy for the drugs, in order to save Ryuuzaki from Hirata. Hirata is forced to flee the scene, and ends up hospitalized at a small chop-shop clinic from the stab wound.
Ryuuzaki learns that Yashiro saved him, and then asks him to save his girlfriend too. Yashiro leaves Ryuuzaki, who has been bleeding out from the stab wound. Ryuuzaki is still hospitalized in a coma.
Yashiro, Whale and Shark go and save Ryuuzaki's woman and bring her to Kageyama's, Yashiro then tells Nanahara and Sugimoto that he "fired" Doumeki. When confronted by Kageyama he is forced to lie that he thinks Doumeki is just chasing him out of duty, and it's not love. But it is, he just won't tell Kageyama that.
Hirata wakes up in the hospital and has a flashback about Misumi's righthand man, Kurobane, and how he killed him. We also get random details about the whereabouts of Kurobane's niece who used to write letters to Hirata in prison. No one knows Hirata did it, but this is foreshadowing of a possible future event.
Misumi meets with the old dude head of Doushinkai and realizes that maybe he forced Yashiro to join the Yakuza to try to fill the gap left by Kurobane. Misumi mentions that Amou has a friend in the Sanwakai, the other Yakuza faction.
Doumeki wakes up alone and realizes that Yashiro left and took the car keys. He catches Chestnut & Co. trying to take the car, and Doumeki breaks Chestnut's other arm and tells them that he'll drive to where they were told to go. Doumeki gets the details on Hirata from Chestnut, and finds out that Yashiro running away was in an effort to protect him.
Amou meets with his friend in the Sanwakai, and warns him to not let Hirata attempt to join their organization, and they will help the Sanwakai rid themselves of the Gouda who they don't like anyway. The Sanwakai golf buddy, tells the Nakamoto of the Gouda to cut ties with Hirata. Nakamoto, now pissed at Hirata, decides to try to use Hirata to recover what was lost (Drugs and/or Money.)
Whale and Shark leave Yashiro with Nanahara and Sugimoto at Kageyama's, Yashiro explains that while they seem like fun, cordial guys they are actually hired assassins, and it raises questions to why Misumi would have them doing odd jobs and baby-sitting.
Hirata is out of the hospital and goes to apologize to Nakamoto of the Gouda. Nakamoto tells Hirata it's time to take responsibility for what happened.
All caught up??? Now you can just read the sex parts. =)

Completely. =)

Oh wow. Thank you so very much. I thought I had a good handle of the story but now reading your detailed explanation I noticed I actually missed a lot. LOL.
One tiny thing though that when you mentioned about Doumeki taking Yashiro home and they having sex, and then you say 'Yashiro falls in love with Doumeki' .... it sounds like Yashiro feel in love with Doumeki only then, after they had sex but I would argue that Yashiro fell in love with Yashiro slowly along the 3 months they spent together and his heart had already be taken before they had that Earth shattering sex. The talk and the sex they had that night however did break Yashiro's mask and made him confront/realize a lot of things including his feelings. I don't know, that's just how I interpreted, that he was in love with Doumeki way before they got to have that sex but it took him that shock therapy to realize it.

Yes, I thought of that when I wrote it. I was thinking, well... Yashiro and Doumeki is a story in the story, and I was just skirting around them for the benefit of the Yakuza stuff...ahem the part no one reads after sex happens. =)

Thank you for this. But there also seems to be a part from the chapter 31 that was missed. When Masumi tried to corner Hirata, another higher-up in the Doushinkai protected Hirata and got Misumi put down.
It seems that Hirata is also getting support in the Doushinkai from people who want to take the head position away from Misumi.

Thank you.
It’s amazing how many times I’ve reread this just to understand what the fuck is going on... and I still manage to forget what the fuck is going on