
wispa May 19, 2018 9:00 am

I just re-read it. Kaji took Satoshi for granted in the past. Kaji knew Satoshi loved him deeply and was secure that he was the only one, so he just did what he wanted knowing that Satoshi would always love him. He flirted constantly with his first love, how many timed would he have walked in on the being intimate, even that time when Kaji pushed his first love down and he walked in on them. Then even though they had little time to spend together, Kaji still prioritised others in the small windows they had together, like he wasn’t bothered about seeing him. When they fought Kaji knew that Satoshi would always come running back, except that one time Satoshi decided to give up and go to that omiai. Then Satoshi asks to break up and Kaji lets him go, using the excuse that he could see the pain in his face he was causing. I don’t believe that, i think he thought he’d come running back again and probably decided it was for the best because he didn’t love him wholeheartedly. In them 4 years Satoshi had the same phone number and home address, so Kaji could have contacted him if he tried. It seems more likely to me that in then 4 years he got over his first love properly and started again, probably felt nostalgic about Satoshi when opening his new restaurant. Then when Kaji saw Satoshi again, doing well and moving forward without him realised what he actually lost. Thats my opinion though. I know to some Satoshi probably seems clingy and whiney, but i think most people would if their lover kept flirting around with everyone else and wasn’t bothered about spending time with you. Even getting together, Kaji was still in love with his first love and Satoshi knew it (ive forgotten his name). That would make anyone insecure, Kaji only ever fed his insecurities. They needed that time apart to grow. I do believe now they will be truly happy together. (⌒▽⌒)

    Mango June 17, 2020 8:38 pm

    Based from this manga, I really like Kutani character as an individual. After reading your comment, it seems that Kutani is a better choice for Satoshi. However, seeing how much Satoshi still love Kaji, it wouldn’t be good for Satoshi and Kutani to be together because that will only end up hurting Kutani. He will be a rebound and end up being taken for granted by Satoshi. It’s good that Satoshi didn’t use Kutani. But getting back with Kaji who’ve taken him for granted isn’t good either. But whatever since Satoshi already decided.

    wispa June 18, 2020 3:29 pm
    Based from this manga, I really like Kutani character as an individual. After reading your comment, it seems that Kutani is a better choice for Satoshi. However, seeing how much Satoshi still love Kaji, it woul... Mango

    I agree with you, Kutani probably would be a better choice, but like you say Satoshi couldnt let go of Kaji, and as you say that is not fair on Kutani. I personally think what changes things between Satoshi and Kaji this time round, is that Satoshi has become stronger in himself, he's not emotionally dependent on Kaji anymore, and he has made his own life for himself now, following his own path doing what he loves. Having Kaji in his life is a bonus rather than a necessity. :)

    Mango June 18, 2020 3:42 pm
    I agree with you, Kutani probably would be a better choice, but like you say Satoshi couldnt let go of Kaji, and as you say that is not fair on Kutani. I personally think what changes things between Satoshi and... wispa

    I also went back to read Satoshi and Kaji story, after reading your comment, it appear just as you said about Satoshi being taken for granted. I still worry about their relationship but at least the both of them are mature this time. And at least Kaji know how it feels like to not have Satoshi in his life. I hope he prioritize Satoshi now and not everyone else over him this time.