well, there are many reasons for that reactions ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

whenever i point out the flaws in a manga i will have a thread of offended users tell me that my comment is ruining the mangas reputation and saying bad things will make other potential readers not want to read. well bitch first off its not my problem mfs dont want to take the risk, second im saying it how it is so fuck off if you have nothing to contribute to my opinion, and third its "MY" opinion for a fuxking reason. pointing out flaws isn't even a 'bad' thing. mfs just don't like it when people like me tell them their 'perfect' manga isn't actually perfect (in opinion. to them its perfect. to me its not). it's time to educate yourselves mfs that all kinds of reactions will happen not just a bunch of 'omgg so cute I luv it' comments. this repetition of offended users never stop.its like you mfs don't understand that people will think dfferencetly.

So many factors.sometimes people are just jerks who cannot take a healthy criticism .and there are times when the commentator includes other people, so if you yourself are including others in your comment be ready for the offensive remarks. And there are also times where people don't only show their dislikes in a healthy way but just straight out bash manga . There is a diffrence between critcism and pure hatred which people forget sometimes .and if someone like something and you straight out pour your hatred towards it people will have their reaction.
The thing is the people who throw shades at constructive criticism tend to forget that people are diffrent and can dislike something that you don't and we need to respect that.
And the people who simply bash out and hate manga forget that ,there is always a certain way to say things if you simply will try to abuse a manga,people will lash out at you.
And the thing o have learnt is never include people in your comments like 'how can people like this and all' it kinda give people pass to comment and throw shades at you.

People reflect other things they like directly to themselves, leaving ur judgment to whatever they like a judgment to their character , or person
Why does people get so triggered if someone doesn't like a character or story that they do? Like damn