If such terms are reflective of current Japanese culture, and not just used for fictional manga tropes than that seems pretty sad. It's although people who identify as gay can't just be treated as normal, boring people and have to conform to these regressive stereotypes. The idea that a man must appear vulnerable, feminine, short etc just because of how he likes sex is quite odd, and reminds me a little of the early 20th century stereotypes where gay men were portrayed as "camp" or gay women were viewed as masculine on things like tv and films, you would have expected the world to have moved on from that.

ah, don't leave out how i said "varying degrees". some minimal (to the point of bullshit LOL) and some had a good portrayal. and there's one true to life BL manga too.
but majorly, BL came from the perspective of women and it is tailored for women readership. but it still reflects the way they generally view things. other countries may view japan or east asia as "regressive" since it doesn't conform to their own but it's still basically just a difference of culture/way of thinking. i've talked to a lot of readers (especially caucasian ones) and they say the same thing as you.
also, i've read plenty of manga and im not really choosy what i pick to read and girly uke is not as common as you guys think.
i dont really think that there's a thing like some "girly uke" tbh