Sulqui, What is LN,?

Some one reposted FNR( Fei's novei) 2 weeks about scroll thu and find it.It should be right before the new chap. was put up. Blue flame is not out in Eng. Some one was kind enough to put up a summ. a few weeks past nor months or more. scroll thu for that one also. These are the only novels.

https://archive.org/stream/manga_Finder_no_Rakuin/Finder no Rakuin %5BFeishuanghua%5D%5BEpubPress_CalibreV1DPC%5D_djvu.txt

At some point it will come out in Eng. sublime has rights to it but they are trying to catch up with the Finder vol. and you are welcome. ^^.
Uhmmm... where can I read the LNs of this series? Just curious....