Hi Ouch it looks like you made a brand spanking new account. Either you are very new to this site or a troll. I'd really like to know about this site of yours just like Senpaisdeath would. If you are a legit account you'll share instead of breaking one of the cardinal fujoshi rules and holding out on fellow fujoshi. If you are a troll then we have no use for you so don't let the door hit you on the way out. Either way, 'Bless your heart sweetie.'
You can try: http://igg-games.com/
As for game titles, you can also check this site for other games: http://englishblgames.tumblr.com/game%20index
I suggest Monster Prom (already english), No Thank You!, and there's this upcoming BL games, 100% translated, to be realeased, Hashihime of The Old Book Town
nice. thanks for the warm welcome too dear <3 and even if i was a troll, i would be managing my time well in something productive instead of writing an essay to a troll. but y'know, some people love poking them with a stick to wait for a reply which is truly the most foolish thing that any human being can do :) i really love the naive ones such as yourself. please keep on posting. i enjoy them, really ^^ (and shouldn't u be helping out as well?)
anyways. i should start getting serious on my job as an mangago assistant manager:
Anyone has some websites where you can download bl games, i know erogedownload, but i have all the games im interested in there already, also any suggestions of bl games translated into english