
Iceprince Hel May 16, 2018 11:44 pm

The bad guy obviously drugged Siwon.

Like COME ON. There is actually NO WAY IN HELL that he'd be all head over heels for this guy.
He wouldn't admit any feelings for Kang Jinha so how is he just suddenly out of no where gonne spread his legs for that guy that made things so hard for him and Kang?
Also he doesnt forgive people if they do him wrong, that's also one of the reasons why he wouldnt just go ahead and jump into Kangs arms.
So no. I actually don't think that Siwon is the worst person ever (and you cant change my mind).
He might be a real airhead and naive but ey, at least he is a realistic "I have multiple childhood traumas i did not process at all so now I'm a highly unstable and insecure person, also im straight stop sexually harassing me" guy.
So thank you author-san, for making an actual realistic character (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Anonymous May 17, 2018 12:31 am

    Exactly! Siwon hates the guy's guts for what he's done, why the hell would he fall in love with him after all the shit he's done? And I've see the raw for chapter 65 and Chinese guy is forcing Siwon and he is crying because he wants it to stop :(