i always wanted junichi to cheat on that fucker tatsuya. he doesn't deserve...
As much as i want to feel bad for the girl, truth is i don't, it's just kar...
This is genuinely the best piece of media I've consumed in a while.
Although I am happy that I found this story again, I am disturbed. My excit...
I see so much hate for Tatsuya and his wife in the comments... but c'mon guys, life isn't just rainbows and unicorns. It's also full of shitty moments and not really great choices to make. So yeah, Tatsuya married a woman after he found out she was pregnant, it's something kinda frequent in Japan I take it. And yes, Kenta wasn't gay. Not every child from homoparental families become homosexuals themselves.
But hey, I've liked the story anyway. And my english feels kinda shitty tonight, apologies.