The relationship pissed me off

Vampire Queen May 15, 2018 7:05 pm

Most comments here are about this being so cute, sweet, adorable and realistic. But in my opinion, this read like an unrequited, bitter love story. What frustrates me about these two where their lack commnication amongst other things.

The only one really in love from what I can see is the uke, who always declares his love and is honest, faithful and true to his convictions in that love. The seme does next to nothing to show his love and commitment to the uke, he is selfish, self-centered, quick to anger, manipulative and a bit abusive from that slap in one of the chapters.

There are numerous instances that I can point out to further supplement why I have made such statements towards the characters and here are just a few in summary form from what I have read;

So the start of their relationship was unrequited love by the uke, the seme just wanted his body, so they became casual sex partners. The seme started to get jealous, not because he grew to love the uke as the manga would like me to believe, but because he just did not want any of the other hot guys around uke-kun to sleep with him too (the so-called " male pride"). This is shown when after a party the uke comes home and is assaulted b the seme who checks his body for kiss-marks then leaves when he is certain his toy boy has not been played with by another. This point is further illustrated in the chapter where that guy who saves uke-kun from getting mugged starts taking an interest in him and only then when seme-kun realizes that he might get replaced does he resolve to shower affection on the uke.

Another instance is that after the become propper partners (all due to the uke's persistence and the seme wanting the whole time to end their relationship but never succeeding). They go on vacation to England, and even knowing and being told that the uke looked unwell does not allow for his traveling companion to properly rest and relax, I understand that you have plans but someone you claim to love looks unwell and is clearly uneasy and you don't show much concern? Also, he admits to keeping uke-kun up all night, then he wonders why he does not have the energy to do all those fun activities he planned. And lastly on this point of the trip, who goes to visit an ex with their current partner? And acts suggestively towards said ex whilst ignoring your partner and his clear uncertainties.

And the point in the story that really pissed me off was him hitting the uke for taking a plane and not wanting to go back home, the uke clearly wanted to not be apart and yes the seme may feel uncertain about his family's reactions to his partner (which I doubt since he states later that he does not mind much about this, but makes him a hypocrite because he never does tell any of his family even when his sister hinted at knowing he never did clear things up) but does he explain this to the uke? No instead he treats him like a misbehaving child and hits him, then proceeds to make arrangements for him to return home not consulting him at all whilst doing this.

I'm sorry but you claim to love him yet your actions say otherwise, you agree to properly date him yet your relationship, miscommunications, and treatment tell a different story.

The uke does love the seme, but often it seems more like the seme's doormat and is almost always the first one to apologize, he is too dependant upon the seme for love and affection yet is unsatisfied and does not want to ruin their relationship so he pushes aside his own feelings to cater to the seme. It's sad how I see him as an abused party who is easily manipulated for the seme's convenience.

Maybe i'm being a bit too mean but this is how I saw things, for the most part, don't get me wrong there were parts I truly loved in this manga (the beautiful art style for one) and i'm a bit ticked off at this story so I apologise if I come off as totally hating this manga.

I understand if anyone disagrees with me but please respect my opinion for what it is.

    ??? May 21, 2018 9:18 am

    I respect your opinion but, uh um truthfully I have no clue where I was gonna go with that.

    Vampire Queen May 21, 2018 11:04 am
    I respect your opinion but, uh um truthfully I have no clue where I was gonna go with that. ???

    Thanks, for reading and respecting my opinion. (●'◡'●)ノ

    Madness May 22, 2018 8:38 am

    I think you took this story entirely the wrong way.
    First their relationship does lack communication but on both of their parts. The Uke only ever communicates his love but not what he is bothered by and the Seme communicates everything but his love although both are getting better at that.

    Now as far as the "unrequited love" goes. Their physical relationship had only the slightest bit to do with it. The Seme had only seen the Uke as a master who was stone faced and knew nothing about him. Being close to the Uke and interacting with him made the Seme realize that there are subtle changes in his features to show his mood. When the Seme discovers that then he realizes just how in dept the Ukes feelings are. The Seme constantly concentrating on the Uke, who was always looking back at him, starts to understand his own curiosity (interest in the Uke) isn't merely that anymore but love. The jealousy was to push him to admit aloud his thoughts and feelings.

    Also to clear this up. The friend was a former sex friend/schoolmate that has always been too open about sexual matters and a type of person that openly "flirts" to make their friends uncomfortable. Although when they had that conversation in the woods, they did not think the Uke was around. I'm sure post Uke leaving that one of them made a joke and then they went on talking normally. And in general the Seme visited this friend because this was someone close to him in school and he wanted his lover to meet someone who was dear to him even if that wasn't his family which hasn't accepted him yet.

    The slapping is unacceptable. The scene would have been equally as powerful with mere yelling however that would have tipped the brother-in-law off of their relationship so I think this was Sensei's silent way of showing that the Uke's stubborness went to far and in return the Seme also took it too far.

    As far as the little physical parts you refered to about the Seme being dismissive of anything but the Uke's body just felt like something that irritated you post making up your mind about him. It's like making up your mind that you dislike someone and so anything they say or do annoys you post that decision.

    A lot of stories require you read between the lines and not take everything they do so literally. Although that sounds contradictory, ( ̄へ ̄)it's just that kind of story. It's a conundrum.

    Vampire Queen May 22, 2018 11:55 am
    I think you took this story entirely the wrong way. First their relationship does lack communication but on both of their parts. The Uke only ever communicates his love but not what he is bothered by and the Se... Madness

    Firstly let me just say that I do respect your opinion, even though it does differ from my own in a lot of ways and while I can't say my opinion is correct and yours is wrong I cant say you are totally right either. I did say that both of them lack communication my opinion's critiqued them both. And as you have said the story may want you to read between the lines so that just means the story is open to the reader's own interpretations, from my literal point of view, I saw things as I have already explained if you saw things differently then that is your own interpretation. You, in essence, have no right to say my opinion is wrong and yours is right because as you put it a story requires you to " read between the lines" and is open to your own interpretation.

    Now let me tell you why your arguments won't persuade me to see things the same way you did:

    Your discussion on the whole unrequited love does kind of proves my point a bit in that you cannot outright say that my views on the events were actually wrong as you don't bring up enough evidence so to speak to prove to me otherwise. And furthermore realising someone else's feelings does not necessarily mean you automatically share them. I did speak about their relationship developing from sex friends to a prominent or tangible as the case may be but whether it is true love is questionable. Yes the seme does think of the uke but thinking of someone a lot does not mean you love them, actions do speak louder than words and the seme claims to love the uke but rarely ever says or shows it.

    And I understand that you may see flirting with an ex as normal but I certainly don't and neither did the uke, just because something is done in secret does not make it ok, because cheating on a lover is never ok. From what you have said it seems that if something is done without the knowledge of the other party it's acceptable. In most cases, people who are friends with their ex almost always retain an appropriate distance as to not become overly friendly and make their current partner jealous, which the seme here was not doing.

    How do you know his family does not approve of their relationship when he never told them? Even after claiming not to care if they know or not he does not tell anyone. His sister does suspect but it's never confirmed as the seme and her end their discussion before confirmation of the relationship is revealed to anyone including her. And you cannot judge the entire families reactions based on that conversation.

    We both agree that the slapping scene was wrong. And I do think some of his actions were to hide their relationship from his brother-in-law (which further proves my point of him being a manipulative guy and a liar as he has said that he does not care if his family knows or not to the uke in a later conversation). But I don't think that the uke was being stubborn in this instance as from his perspective he was doing something to show the seme his love and willingness to be together, he did not perceive any negativity from his actions.

    My dislike for the seme is not total disdain or hatred. I dislike his actions and lack of actions, not necessarily his character in general. I have read the story and judged his character based on all the events and information provided. It is my opinion to like or dislike someone or something in the story as it is my right if your opinion differs then it is entirely your own views that should be respected just as mine should be.

    Oppars-Unnirs May 22, 2018 12:01 pm

    read between the lines (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    Madness May 22, 2018 2:09 pm

    @Vampire Queen
    I think you misconstrued my words. I do respect your opinion. I just don't think you're looking at the story for all its intentions.

    First from OUTSIDE the manga's universe I want to explain that I said "Sensei" as in the author/Artist wanted to make sure the brother-in-law didn't find out so Sensei put in a slapping scene for a silent communication to the audiance that they both took things too far. In this case the seme is not being manipulative.It was simply the Artist's choice.

    Secondly, I never said that I knew his family would take it badly. I was saying that he doesn't know how his family will react so the one person that meant something to him that also knew his "secret" was someone he would want to introduce to his lover.

    Now that person is someone who I would consider a friend who jokes around too much. I personally don't see flirting while having a partner as a norm but there are plenty of people who I have met that do exactly that but in a meaningless way. Anyone who is not used to their essentric ways of speaking to people tend to feel like they are being inconsiderate and rude to their partners. But if you are close to them you know they mean no harm and they just don't know how to " reel it in" so to speak. And again, in the first place I don't see him as a solid ex and more of an ex sexfriend and current friend who doesn't know boundaries.

    Also, I never said speaking like that behind his lover's back wasn't wrong. The seme seems to be a very adaptive (most people are adaptive and this has nothing to do with manipulation) person unlike his friend. He changed how he spoke because he was both with an old friend and he was matching the pace of his friend when he believed he was alone with him. This pattern is similar to almost every person on this planet because most people won't speak to their friends the way they would speak with their lover.Its a differential speech pattern that is similar to the difference between how you speak to your parent/guardian compared to a teacher (Both are respectful while one is more formal).

    Finally on the love between the characters themselves. No, thinking about someone constantly is merely a first step in love. If that is not present then there is no love in general.
    Also unrequinted loves have no action nor words and yet they still exist merely in the person's mind. Someone who is in love may never tell the other but does that mean that their love is not there? The way you are fixated on actions speaking louder than words or feelings just doesn't justify the "true love" as you put it.
    Now back to the story
    The seme's curiosity turned into intrigue which turned into caring and focusing on minute details which in turn changed into love that at first he did not want to act on because he was unsure of his own feelings(which was said in the story as inner monologue) Then when he was sure of his feelings, he was unsure whether he should speak the words because it may change everything between them. The feeling of love being so new to him that the idea that it may be fragile and easily breakable scared him (as we see that idea be tested when the Uke distances himself too much from the Seme to try to not be a burden like at the airport). Jealousy was mixed in and he figured "f*** it. I gotta say it sometime or else someone else will"

    This whole thing was to clear up everything that I said previously that was taken wrongly. I understand that only so much can be said through text on a screen and you may never fully grasp what feeling is behind what I write here and that may also be a reason that your interpretation is so different than mine but hopefully you see what I meant this time around even if it doesn't change anything.

    Madness May 22, 2018 2:10 pm
    read between the lines (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 Oppars-Unnirs


    Vampire Queen May 22, 2018 5:36 pm
    @Vampire QueenI think you misconstrued my words. I do respect your opinion. I just don't think you're looking at the story for all its intentions.First from OUTSIDE the manga's universe I want to explain that I... Madness

    Honestly please stop forcing your opinions on me because i'm not someone who will mindlessly think the way you do or blindly follow you just because you express your opinions enough times. I am an individual and as such have my own way of seeing things that may or not differ from you. Please accept that we are disagreeing on this topic and downvote my comment if that will make you feel better because you clearly disagree.

    Unless you are the author, please don't tell me what they intended for the situation as what you are saying is only your interpretation of the situation and may or may not be what the author intended at all.

    "family which hasn't accepted him yet" these are your words, your assumption. " The friend was a former sex friend/schoolmate that has always been too open about sexual matters and a type of person that openly "flirts" to make their friends uncomfortable. Although when they had that conversation in the woods, they did not think the Uke was around." These are also your words, and leads one to believe that you do advocate cheating despite your current statements to the contrary. I believe you have made a mistake in not properly wording your statements (as you have contradicted yourself in your recent response to me) and whilst I can understand your errors I don't believe that it's fair to make it seem like it's my mistake and that I am misunderstanding your opinions and words when I am only responding to your statements.

    By the way ex's are still ex's, I was being non-specific for a reason and that is because the seme's friend is his ex sex-friend, ex-travelling partner, ex-classmate (so too many ex's so I just put it as ex a general term that encompasses all the ex's) Please stop mincing words it does not have any meaning to our argument.

    General definition: " Unrequited love or one-sided love is love that is not openly reciprocated or understood as such by the beloved. The beloved may not be aware of the admirer's deep and strong romantic affection, or may consciously reject it " My whole argument is about unrequited love on the uke's part and how in comparison the seme does not say nor show any actions that lead me to believe he truly loves the uke. The seme never does come to fully understand or reciprocate the uke's love even at the end were I actually believe he starts to develop some genuine feelings for him and truly sees him for who he is, it's just jealousy talking that is urging him to be loving to the uke or he might lose him to someone who actually might reciprocate and understand his love.

    And just so you know, constantly arguing with me on a matter of different opinions is not respecting my opinions in any way when you just want me to see things your way. If I have offended you in any way please accept my apologies but let us not have a long drawn out argument on the difference of opinions, I have mine and you have yours. So mutual respect and let us just leave it as that?

    Madness May 23, 2018 11:45 am

    I'm not arguing. Omg. I don't get why you are taking this so personally. From the start I wasn't trying to "convert" your opinion into mine. I was trying to explain the other side.
    I've already said I respect your opinion and despite that you just spat all over mine. When I read your reply I was just trying to clear up what I said and now you still continued with the same meaning that you took from the first reply and then got offended when I said you took it wrong. I was trying to explain from a more detailed angle what I had meant but I guess you will never see that. This was a conversation between two people who disagree
    on a topic but if you take it as an argument then now you see the negativity you have had towards me and anything I've said so far. But whatever Have a nice day.

    Vampire Queen May 23, 2018 1:16 pm
    I'm not arguing. Omg. I don't get why you are taking this so personally. From the start I wasn't trying to "convert" your opinion into mine. I was trying to explain the other side. I've already said I respect y... Madness

    I have said that I understood what you are trying to say, it's just that I personally don't see things that way. So you constantly explaining your view of the situation is not necessary as I have understood already that we are disagreeing. I have read other comments on this manga and your views are not uncommon as most commentators in this section agree with you and share your views. If you had read my original statement you would have grasped that point already and known that I am fully aware of what the majority thinks and would like to show a different take on the subject. Yes, I do take our correspondence as having an argument as an argument is an exchange of diverging or opposite views. I don't see any negativity from our argument, it actually shows how much the story impacted us both.

    I don't believe I have in any way made things personal between us, I think my responses to you have always been for the most part polite and cordial.

    Cynder------ella October 11, 2018 1:07 am

    I dont also like the ingland scene coz the ex ask to the seme something about who is good sex partner. Him or the semes current and the seme just answer that it was his ex. And the uke heard it and i was hurt also by it. Its like... where is the love there from the seme? I kinda still bothered by it until now since i read it a long time ago. Its just keep on repeating to me when i see this manga in my list.

    Yum January 21, 2019 11:56 am
    I dont also like the ingland scene coz the ex ask to the seme something about who is good sex partner. Him or the semes current and the seme just answer that it was his ex. And the uke heard it and i was hurt a... Cynder------ella

    Yeah, I really hated that scene. It makes me so sad and angry. Like he's your lover you know, why are you saying another man is better at sex. I think Shingo was just being playful so it was unnecessary to answer him anyways. He's right, Sumito really is too good for him.

    Vampire Queen January 21, 2019 1:01 pm
    Yeah, I really hated that scene. It makes me so sad and angry. Like he's your lover you know, why are you saying another man is better at sex. I think Shingo was just being playful so it was unnecessary to answ... Yum

    Agreed! Sumito is a cupcake that deserves more.