Wow... okay let me stop you here. I live in one of top 5 most populous cities in the USA. I am in the asexual spectrum. The only ignorant ones that I have met here are straight. Sure, there is micro aggression owing to race, but people in the LGBTQ community are usually willing to listen. Also, Kylie Jenner. There is definitely transphobia across the U.S, but never felt that within the gay community in my city. It’s a you do you kinda thing. I just don’t agree with the fact that you generalizing everything over what I hope is just one bad experience. Philadelphia and NYC (as far as I know ) are like this. I go to the gay club with my trans friend, and his boyfriend occasionally. It is accepting as far as I have seen.

Hmm. Well you have firsthand experience. I have been sitting on this rant for 3 years now. And maybe the negative is just easy to see but all I said is what I saw from media, specifically gay media.
I'm gonna keep the comment the way it is so people can see your comment in relation to mine so if they have the same feelings I do/did, it can change their mind for the positive.
By the way, on a gay site, literally a week after I posted this comment there was a comment saying you can't trust bi people. He said they are just fucked up people who can't make up their minds. It hurt. Cause I'm Bi. But yeah it hurt to see more evidence of what I was talking about.
And I read a lot of gay books and the bi-erasure is real. It's getting better. Way better but yeah... The way it was, it was like we aren't even part of the original acronym LGBT.

I’m so sorry mate! Yeah, I think Bis (my best friend is one) and Asexuals (I am one) do face a lot of backlash from the LGBTQ+ community, especially when people tend to actively deny the orientation, state that we are confused, have extremely high/low sex drive, and don’t understand what we want. And damn, that shitty guy!! I did see a lot of good people and the ones who were willing to listen and educate themselves. But, yeah that sucks. I hope you meet better people!
The gay community is shitty (referring mostly to the American one - it's the most prominent one after all). It's horrible. They barely acknowledge bisexual people, they don't know their own group and they are usually the most loud voices of trans-phobic comments. They are sexist, misogynists, racists, trans-phobic, and often times elitist. They often operates as cliques and have an incredulous us vs. them mentality when it comes to members of their own.
All of this I have gleaned from several years of gay media. It's sad because you'd think that banding together to face their problems would be the most obvious solution but no. They don't like drag queens, they don't like transvestites, they think bisexuals are just straight people experimenting, their media often shows they don't like women.
Of course every city is different, but the ones in the major ones were gay and proud and racist back when it was cool to be racist. They wouldn't let other groups into their clubs so they had to form their own.
I guess I put them on a pedestal. But in the end they're humans. And humans are flawed and/or assholes. And gay media is filled with mostly white people. And what do white people do best; humans do best - divide and conquer. Prejudice, stereotypes, and flawed judgement.
This is the manga that showed me exactly what I had been seeing but refused to believe all these years.
And lets not forget the straight guy in one of the comments who is agreeing that Mei should never have been the seme. He supports his argument by saying that he is very straight but is not at all attracted to girls. Lmao!!!! OMG so funny!