okay. Now you've lost me. I realized in my previous comments that I was generalizing. I had taken these experiences from people that had experienced these one-off horrible experiences as a general truth.
However, I am now genuinely confused. What is a straight - asexual spectrum? Genuinely want to know.

So, you know LGBTQA - the A stands for ally, but also asexual. Asexuals are people who feel no sexual attraction towards anyone, and only feel the emotional connections. You know how we have the bisexual-straight spectrum, and pansexual - straight spectrum etc.., where people have different levels of affinity ? Similarly, think of asexuality as a branching spectrum, that goes towards straight, bisexual etc. The level of sexual attraction may from none to some. The ‘label’ used for the middle ground is demisexual, when people rarely feel any sexual attraction, but it might happen sometime. The important thing to note here is to segregate the physical and psychological reaction. You get what I mean? Let me know if you’ve any questions, I’m more than happy to answer. Also, as long as you try to listen and understand, you’re awesome in my book! (⌒▽⌒)

If he is straight and is not at all attracted to girls, then he is asexual. In order to be in the spectrum, doesn't there have to a possibility that the other side of the spectrum is also true for him.
And I was definitely not clear in my first comment - this person was using that statement as a justification as to why it was weird for Mei to top.
As contradictory as his statement was, I simply assumed he was gay or asexual. With no possible attraction to girls, why would he be considered straight?

Well attraction can be emotional or sexual, you know. But, I see what you mean ! I just read the comment from Amorin, and based on the context it was an illogical argument for Mei being uke. In regards to them being straight as they come with no attraction - it could just mean that they don’t know about the asexuality label? Anyway, back to Mei. I mean realistically, I do know that a few of my gay friends (even trans gay men) are somewhat touchy feely, when they are considered to have feminine traits (you know people trying to fit them in the Adam and Eve bubble). However, some of them just don’t care, and at least acc. to my best friend, switches are pretty common in the community. Keeping non fiction aside, this is a fictitious scenario, and this is not the first time I’ve seen the same cross-dress. That is so weird!!
Apart from the transphobic comments about Mei being top (I've always heard rumours that the gay community is shitty towards their own but I never realized it was actually true), I'm dying of laughter because some guy here says he is very straight but is not at all attracted to girls. I'm like what?!!! Dude, that is the exact opposite of being straight!