It seems the first couple had a stronger story, the M.C's character was realistic, as usually topics such as unemployment, depression and loss of purpose aren't really seen in mangas/webtoons (apart from the usual angsty teenager trope). Not really interested in the second couple, I also don't understand why the whale man hasn't been wearing any clothes or even underwear for so many chapters, he's just walking about everywhere bollock naked. It's not like the ginger boyfriend is impressed by this either.
Thanks. I haven't been keeping up with the latest chapters so missed out on that detail. I would have assumed, seeing as the other two dolphin-men characters were able to not be so "animalistic" and wore clothes constantly, that the whale-man would be able too, but it seems like he isn't particularly comfortable with his human form so it makes sense that he is unused too/uncomfortable with his skin and wearing fabric.
I’ve read that the series was “postponed indefinitely” after I think chapter 67? If it’s true, it’s sad we won’t get to see Rino’s story :(
My fave couple is still the first couple. As much as I like teacher and the whale, you have to admit changyeoung and first MC just had better sex.
Also I can't wait to see pink dolphins love story I have a feeling that'll be jokes