Nice analysis! I had always thought Jisuh was way more cunning than he looked. He always had this "confused" or nonchalant expression on his face, but the reality is that he's much more perceptive than we gave him credit for and he knows what he's doing. I definitely agree with you in noticing that Jisuh is in turn, manipulative in his own way without meaning to.

Jisuh was a puzzle to me. He always looked clueless and even his thoughts pointed to that, but here and there we had a glimpse that he knew what was going on. But this last chapter I felt like the author finally showed his real thoughts, it was like I was inside his head.
It hurt a little bit because I realized I keep the same straight face and try to pass as confused as well. I think it's even worse because since I don't know what I'm feeling I just copy other people's facial expressions. Just like Jisuh I'm a people pleaser but in the end I see myself manipulating everyone without meaning to.
By experience I can understand a little of what Jisuh is going through. When you are abused you subconsciously start fearing being abused again so you don't trust people anymore and it's like you create a barrier around yourself. You don't let people come too close, you don't show your feelings and you don't feel other's feelings. That's why Jisuh is quite passive and most time we don't understand what he's feeling/thinking. He's basically the opposite of Sunyeol.
It's quite interesting because Jisuh is quite counscious about himself, his traumas and the people around him. He makes this confused face the whole time but he kinda knows what's going on and what he needs to do to protect himself. He knows Heejae is manipulative and he himself is (was?) playing a dangerous game with him. In a way Jisuh is also manipulative (without meaning to and due to protect himself).
The thing is Jisuh had a debt and usually people that have been abused hate losing control, being in the hands of others, asking for favors, that put them in a vulnerable situation (one that reminds them of the abuse). So for him it was better to enter that game with Heejae since there were rules and he could control things (I'm not saying it's conscious btw). Even after starting their threesome he had some control, he knew Heejae was playing with him and was going to throw him away and that's why he made sure to not fall in love (again, he's not letting his feelings out).
Now things got out of his control. Sunyeol is in love with him and I suppose that's why he cut their relationship short. Heejae didn't confess and Jisuh thought they were going to go back to a sexual relationship only but Heejae is pushing him into a romantic relationship that he doesn't want. He's confused because by what he got from Heejae he was only playing with him but now he's showing a side that he wasn't expecting.
Jisuh is probably going to have the most character development in the story. While protecting oneself is important the way Jisuh is doing it makes himself hurt and suffer more because he repress everything and everyone. He needs to open up or else he's going to run away and become lonely again.