Manga and Anime just kinda changed my life .-. :3 Some same experiences???

Spezyra May 13, 2018 6:08 pm

Hello,this is a very weird question,I know.But did you notice once or twice that manga changed your life in a positive way?Like,a character is your Idol and you gain so much strength from just looking at them?I have this thing right now and I am confused idk xD I am not in love and I know it's just from a manga,but just looking at him makes me feel strong and comfortable...and happier with my own life OwO (again,I don't feel any sexual attraction and I don't want to imagine a relationship with him)
Thanks for answers my fellows

    kedamono May 13, 2018 6:20 pm

    I think it's normal, I too aspire to be as cool as Onizuka from gto when I grow up lol but seriously speaking, it's cool to have a role model, and hey, it can even be fictional

    Childish Guroro May 13, 2018 6:24 pm

    Yuureitou's Tetsuo had an impact on me. He's really strong and cool and doesn't let the body he was born with keep him from being himself. But not just him...practically ever character in that comic was a role model, from the protagonist to the anti-heroes.

    Spezyra May 13, 2018 7:25 pm

    Thank you guys,I feel a little more normal now isdk