To me he wasn't a bully he just had trust issue. Look how his mom treated him compared to his brother and sister. And then look at how his mom treats Yeonduk better than her own child. He already is upset about the fact that he thought Yeon purposely stopped him for going with his dad forcing him to stay with the mother who acts like he's the spawn of satan or something. She was actually willing to harm her son. I mean yea Yeonduk has been through some shit with Skylar but I understand why Skylar is that way Skylar has been through pain all his life and was already jealous because Yeon had a father figure in his life who actually loved him. So I mean yea he could become jealous cause of him getting a relationship But Thats just my opinion of the situation.

I don't justify bullying. Skyler could have ignored him. Skyler could have told him he didn't want some mommy-paid suckup around him (and then he would have learned stuff). But he basically oversaw bullying that he could have stopped. His "friends" enjoyed bullying the little servant Skyler had. Skyler could have told them to leave Yeonduk alone.
Now, Skyler was justified in feeling what he did--his mother is evil, his father is cruelly neglectful, his sister is absent, and his little brother is sweet, but he's not a protective element.
If he had such trust issues, why did he use Yeonduk to fix that karaoke for his girlfriend? Why give him the coffee? Why act like they were friends if he never considered him a friend? Sorry, but Skyler never even talked to Yeonduk. Knowing his mother and what a major bitch she is, he should have deduced something was up at some point.
Then again, they were kids, they got hurt. But I feel as if to fully appreciate Yeonduk, Skyler needs to go through is own suffering of jealousy. To realize that Yeonduk being treated nicely, even dating, is what he deserved--good treatment. He'll appreciate Yeonduk more in losing him and learning the truth the very hard way, cause that's how Yeonduk realized the truth. THE HARD WAY and he's suffered for weeks/months. So, it should be Skyler's turn to suffer for Yeonduk. To have his heart ache for someone who doesn't make a point to pay attention anymore.

I still feel the same way I felt from the start. I don't think it's bullying rather an unrequited love that from Skylar's POV. There were definitely times Skylar protected Yeonduk. But thats my opinion. There were time Yeon wasn't around and Skylar was doing fine. Skylar doesn't have to suffer a lot people want him to only because how he turned out. Its different for everybody because Skylar actually loved Yeonduk especially in the flash back when they were younger. The only hardship that Yeon has honestly experienced is Skylar not being how he used to be when they were younger. Having Skylar suffer won't make the situation any better cause Skylar will still go through hell. Of course Skylar isn't going to always feel the same when it feels like your own mother trusts another child more than her own son. Of course to an extent he's going to feel like Yeonduk was just his moms little spy. So that trust ends up going out the window. But as you can see with the story progressing Skylar is realizing the things that Yeonduk does and did for him were sometime genuinely his choice. Just cause someone asks for help doesn't mean that he trusts him. Skylar has always put other's before Yeonduk you could always tell there was always something going on in Skylar's head.

It's fine if you don't think it's bullying. From Yeonduk's perspective, being beat up while his "friend" watches is tantamount to bullying, since Skyler seemed to be the center of that group, the popular one they were trying to suck up to by beating up Yeonduk.
Skyler as a little boy surely was sweet with Yeonduk. That's why we know they'll have their happy ending.
But Yeonduk's faithfulness and pain is always on my mind. Skyler should feel some of what Yeonduk felt for them to be equal, imo. To both know that loss, to appreciate the outcome.

It's not like he told them to do it. Skylar held animosity towards Yeonduk at that time yea it was wrong but that doesnt make him a bully. Plus after that dude I forgot his name but after he did what he did to Yeonduk in the bathroom. Skylar found and beat him senseless so we can't pretend there wasn't situations where Skylar didn't have a heart. That was Sky's mom main reason for trying to harm him because she thought that he was just picking fights to pick a fight when it was really him defending Yeon. And plus after Yeonduk recieved that lil theory he began to see Skylar's mom for what she really was. In all honesty if Yeonduk really wanted to he could easily stop being friends with Skylar but to me he actually sees a clearier picture of the situation cause suffering does nothing for either of them cause all Yeonduk will end up doing is feeling hurt and gulity about the situation because he will never truly be over Skylar. Which isnt going to be fair for the other person he does end up going with. He already knows that Skylar is stubborn so the situation can honestly go both ways
There are honestly a lot of twist and turns on this one here. Yeonduk does so much for Skylar but I see why he has a hard time believing its for his Yeon's true feelings. His mom has been so manipulative it was like she ruined the real friendship they did have. But I hope Skylar realizes that Yeon really wants to be his friends before its too late because none of his friends have Skylar's back like Yeon