I am questioning about how you see things in this site
1. 8.6 is already a low rating in this site... I have noticed that the manga reach even 7.9 or 8.0, they are actually the "most bland" manga, manhwa, manhuas written.
2. Rape trope in my opinion is the roots of plot progression in a typical yaoi manga. And I do think that the "Japanese community" is not that much the super progressive type that they would change views easily...
yaoi is actually like a porn type of content..
3. Young ones are reading this.... At the first place, they should not read this at all... I am sure that explicit content are throughly checked in printed sales but in this site, anyone could just reading anything to our wildest imagination with us monitoring too much
4. Standards of yaoi is already that low since from the beginning.....

1. Fine, 8.6 is considered 'low'. It's still abysmal.
2. Why should rape keep being perpetuated as a simple plot progression? If used, it should be in a way that brings light to the very real traumatic experiences people go through and written in a way that watches the main character who deals with this learn to heal and find solace. I understand the traditional views of the "Japanese community" and that this trope is common in yaoi, which is why I don't often read it and prefer to stick to shounen ai.
My issue is that, as a survivor myself, it frustrates me seing how easily these tropes are defended. I get that yaoi is a type of porn, but there are also plentiful yaoi stories that are deeply plot driven and intricately written. And then just when you're getting into the story, a random rape scene is thrown in there just for the sake of it; because often times authors have no other way of making the two characters become aware of each other than to have that deeply traumatic and painful thing happen to them. And instead of having these characters come to terms with it, maybe even have the rapist feel some sense of remorse and try to apologise, they just brush it aside like it's nothing. I understand that some people enjoy the trope - I have absolutely no issue with what people enjoy, as long as they aren't harming anyone. But this trope is so overused and often times unecessary in a lot of yaoi. It's highly triggering for someone like me to be getting into a deep yaoi manga with an excellent plot, for it to suddenly pop up out of nowhere, as a completely unecessary 'plot progression'. I work alongside male victims of abuse such as what's common in yaoi and it's very hard for me to read about it being used as such a flippant plot device; just a means to an end. I wrote my dessertation on the common rape/abuse undertones in porn on how that affects people's perception of healthy relationships, because I know that when people are only subjected to one type of thing they find it hard to separate fantasy and reality - and when that thing is so highly sensationalised and romanticised in a genre that's become more than just 'gay sex from a females perspective', it's disheartening.
3. That's my worry. Because the ease of this type of content is so easily accessable now it's important that we understand the impact these types of stories can have on young, impresionable minds. It has become such a normalised thing that if you express your discomfort for the trope, you get belittled and mocked.
Everyone likes what they like. Personally, rape shouldn't be used a plot device in yaoi mangas where the plot actually means something, unless it's about how the MC overcomes it and doesn't fall in love with their abuser, but someone who can help them heal. It's a very serious topic, and if it should be used as a joking, light-hearted trope to cater to those who are inclined to that fantasy, then keep it in the more 'porn/smutty' sides of the yaoi genre and not in the mangas that are likely to reach a bigger audience, where having rape in it is just unecessary.

;-;;;;; ummm..... it’s getting a bit tense here..... I’m just going to um.... so.. I get that you are against this, and no hating there, it’s just.... it’s good to spread awareness of this.... but it’s just um.... just a story.....;;;-;;;;; but spreading awareness of the fact that you can’t take stories seriously.. like this rape thing.... um... yeah..;-;;;

Dude, it's not like we aren't aware of this. We know that this kind of plot is intensely repeated and you're not the smartest one here. The thing is, we aren't a factor in the production of these series. We can't really walk up to the author and tell them what to do with their stories. Even if we did live in Japan, that would still be pretty impossible. So instead of whining and repeating what everyone already knows, do something about it so we can take it as an example. Because fairly speaking, you're not the first one to talk about this and just whine about it. All of you are at fault as much as the rest, do something, not (as you said) point out the obvious

I'm sorry for what happened to you. I was sexually harassed too when I was 14. I get where you came from, so my advice is stay away from this kind of yaoi manga.
Before you read the manga, make sure you read the TAGS. I saw this manga has a "rape" tag, so I knew what to expect. Sure some raoe-based yaoi have great story that includes how the rapist try to apologize or how the victim survive the trauma. But most of rape-based yaoi mangas are typically like this. It's Japan, if you ever watched Japanese porn, well, you won't be surprise to see rape on mangas.
Just like you said, some people enjoy rape story, so you basically just wasting your time to read it then complain about the "obvious theme" on the comment section.
I respect your opinion, but again, this is the reality.
And I'm sure most of the people here aware that rape isn't acceptable for whatever reason.
Just, don't waste your energy on reading this type of manga. Stay away from it. That's all you need to do. Shounen ai is a great genre to read if you want some deep love story.
Have a nice day :)

If you want to know what're the popular tags, before you read the manga, click the rate (stars). Then you'll see a pop up to rate the manga. You'll see the popular tags of the manga there. Make sure there's no "rape" tag before you read the manga. Then you can just close it without actually rating the manga.

I can't believe that there were so many thumbs down to your comment. I am honestly dissapointed in fujoshi/fudanshi community here.
Sure, I'll admit. There are some good comics with a rape tag, and I've enjoyed some... There are five types of comics that can have a rape tag and still be good.
1. Rape happened, both parties acknowledge it and the rapist repents while the victim comes to terms in a realistic way. Not falling in love with the rapist overnight.
2. Rape happens but there are circumstances that lessen the traumtizing aspect, for example: the uke was taken advantage of when drunk and didn't hate it at that moment; one of them was under influence of some kind magic 'aphrodisiac'; the uke didn't want it mentally but he felt good physically; there are some good comics with this trope played right and honestly while I think it is horrible in reality, I can overlook it in fiction and I myself am guilty of actually liking a few comics with that trope.
3. Uke was raped by someone else, some bad guys or a jelous love rival. It can actually deepen the plot if the story setting is dark and grim.
4. The uke is being a tsundere and saying no without meaning it. I'll tell you one Japanese kink - during sex saying "iyaa", "dame", "yamete" is considered sexy, because the bottom looks more innocent and cute that way. Also, translators tend to translate "ya-" (cut off yamete, eng. stop) and "iyaa" (eng. no) as stop an no, but actually some of the ya's and iyaa's are just meaningless moans. Kind of like westerners like saying "yes yes ohh yes" during sex, in Japan they say "iya ya aah aaahn". There are a lot of manga's that got lost in translation because translators changed every ya to stop and no, and therefore tagged with rape where there wasn't any.
5. The uke is as crazy as the rapist seme. Or the seme forced himself on uke in his weak state, but later uke beat the shit out of him and set him straight. I know some comics taht made this work out with strong ukes.
BUT! This comic is none of that. The uke was already vulnerable, seme took advantage of him and that was the worst rape I've seen in yaoi in a while. The seme just shoved his dick in without any regards to uke, who was humiliated, violated and in horrible pain both mentally and physically.
To all people saying to look at tags... Firstly, there are a lot of comics with ridiculous tags just for a joke, so you can't fully trust them. Secondly, as I've stated before, there are 5 types of comics that make the rape trope work out fine. I knew there was going to be rape, but I didn't think it was this bad.
I wholeheartedly aggree with victoria that rape trope is unneccessary and overused in a bad way though. This comic is a particularly bad case.

Your opinion is clear and loud but if you don't like this kind of theme then better not read it. The top tags in this manga includes rape lmao
And sorry for what happened to you I was raped when I was 6 as well. And as a victim I'm happy that rape victims in yaoi finds love rather than suffer more in depression which I experience.
If they're happy then I'm happy for them as well.

I get what you want to say.... rape being used too simply, sometimes it has gotten too cheap....
but someone mentioned in the comments above... we are outside the "community" that these mangas are written. They could not hear our thoughts and reactions about this matter.
And also, writting and sketch manga stories is a business.... You cannot bring something profitable, then you are doomed.. Yaoi started off with brushed off rape in it (the first types of yaoi released is a shotacon type with questionable use of rape in it and that actually because a issue).... and that element makes this type of manga to be profitable... sadly, I do think authors would just follow it for stability purposes..
maybe some authors are not liking this "normalization" and they write off beautiful stories and I have appreciate them for it.... but this is harsh reality, everything in a yaoi mangas, is a hit or miss and sometimes it has become too disgusting to stomach it but you have to bear for it....
We could just pray for ourselves and to others that they know how to separate things between the bad reality of rape and just a poor representation of it in fiction and things might shift to a brighter place

I am happy that we have the same reaction of this one...
Not that I am defending because the comment above has some sense but..... sadly we cannot do something about these core issues of this manga type.
Well, I have accepted the bad and good sides of what I am reading...
We are not reading a socially acceptable type of comic and reading this type of manga is toxic if you don't take double check of your principles... And also people have different taste as you, so sometimes, even you find something too disgusting but many praises it, you just need to stomach it in..
Learned this one in a hard way.... fighting against majority is a painful and a losing battle... sadly....

I agree. People need to stop treating rape so lightly. I really dislike mangas that use unnecessary rape scenes as well. Hell, the rape scenario can be a good plot device if handled carefully. And why should people stop whining about it? Whining about it increases the chances of it getting heard, and it increases the chances of
Why on earth does this have such high ratings. Has the standard for yaoi really dropped this low? Illogical (barely there) plot, typical rape trope, "omg I've known you for 2 seconds and you physically abused me but now I love you" shit. What?? And now the author is trying to play it off as some fluffy, romantic story? What a waste of good art.
If you have the talent to draw like this, use it more wisely. Creat an intriguing, genuine romantic story about two broken people and DON'T USE FURTHER ABUSE AS A SELLING POINT. More yaoi authors need to realise that you can create a romantic relationship between two guys without having one raping the other (twice!) and excusing it as a menial plot device because it's okay! They'll fall in love anyone! Because that's totally sane and healthy!
With the amount of young people who are exposed to yaoi these days, the amount of rape/abuse tropes played off as a means to start a relationship is seriously worrying. I thought mangakas would have progressed in their ways of thinking over the past decade.
*** EDIT: So many negative comments just because I pointed out the obvious. Please read my reply further down if you want to know why I feel like this, rather than judging me because I don't have the same tastes as you!