Ok it depends on you.but I said it because I am an Indian and it is my thought.for any fault I am sorry.

Then you should have specified that statement as your opinion and not as a sweeping statement. Just cause your Indian doesn't mean you should generalise the attractiveness of your race as a statement. What I'm saying is that its absolutely fine to have an opinion, but you could have worded it better.
P.s. I'm Indian too, hence why I felt butt hurt(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Yea you could be right but I was trying to is not that serious.but my friend you took my coment so seriously.It is just my opinion about what I like or dislike nothing more than that it is possible that the boy who you think is hot the same person could be less intaresting to me.so pls dont take the little coment so seriously I had no intention to hurt anyone's feelings.I would like to mention that everyone's point of view is different.sorry for hurting you.l

You mean in India there aren't any hot Men ...oh..
What about Hrithik Roshan, Prabhas he is one of the sexiest men in the world .. you are so cheap to put your on country men down ...
Being hot in your way may be being western ...
So mention in your comment as " my personal shitty opinion"
Not as a statement dumbass secular mentality ...only because people like you exist in India who bring their own race down spitting rubbish ...
Indian Men are gentlemen who knows to stay in one proper marriage .
I don't want to bring down or up any other race but insulting my own race ...
I sure wants to kill you now ..
Listen you easy slutty bitch before insulting men of India ...
And being pussy after commenting and saying 'It was only my opinion' makes you flithy ...
You should feel ashamed to be a racist ..
It's not fun when you bring down one race and bitches like you enjoys destroying other self esteem when I have already get how flithy mentality you have .
In many parts of India we don't have enough money ..... A man in India most commonly have to work butt off for his family ..even he can't buy his own cloth he tries to buy clothes for his family he never have time to think about his ownslef ...and bitch you won't understand this ...
'Indian Men aren't hot '
Is not a babies comment any true Indian would feel angry reading this shit .
When you can't praise others you spread your dirt ...
Whoever feel proud to say this shit for my country men .. let me tell you ..
Your upbringing is the worse and you are a real disgrace .

When I said gentlemen are there in India ...
I never mentioned each and every men ...
But it's also not that you meant to say every men is a rapist ...
Rapist and bringing women down is all over the world .. and India is a developing country where men had started to learn treating women equally ...
Because of all those rapist and cheap mentality men in our country dosent makes the whole group of men criminal mentality ...
I don't ever want to bring any country in the world down but if you are bullshitting my country men and feeling proud to do so .. I M not gonna leave ya to do so ...
Do you know in Saudi Arabia women aren't even allowed to study ...
Where in the world women's are safest ..
Tell me one country in the world where rapist doesn't exist ...
in Japan streets female are casually abused ... bullying is definitely common there ...
So where in which country did u find women are safest ...
I never ever mention women are safest in India ...
But the presence of rapist dosent make my whole country men bad ...
Even when British visted India .. they tortured and raped women in India like we are playthings but even so they will always be called as gentle men because they are white , tall, English men , have degrees , rich .
Rapist and evil natured men aren't only in India . They are everywhere...
But calling my country men aren't hot ...
And expecting every Indians to support this shit is mistake .
Insulting dosent makes you better .
Listen bitch if have the audacity then comment I have a stock .
And yeah Sali bhosni bakchod randi ( Indian slang instead western fuck sign ).
Ajit seems Indian.but Indian boys aren't that hot.