Even though Taichi and Chihaya is my OTP, i dont want it to end it in a way where Taichi l...

AnjaliTOT May 10, 2018 10:30 pm

Even though Taichi and Chihaya is my OTP, i dont want it to end it in a way where Taichi looses the game but gets the girl. It just feels meaningless and cant imagine that happening either...

(Even though its my own thought it scares me ╥﹏╥ )

    Anonymous May 18, 2018 8:36 pm

    But what makes you think Taichi stands a chance with Chihaya? Even when he was confessing, she was thinking about Arata and whether he feels the same way.

    AnjaliTOT May 19, 2018 1:28 am

    yeah i know and it still breaks my heart remmebering that beautiful yet sad confession!!!!
    but i dont want taichi to end up either way, be it getting the girl or loosing the game nor winning the game but loosing the girl.... ╥﹏╥its just a wishful think (an impossible one though T_T)

    Anonymous August 11, 2018 2:21 am
    yeah i know and it still breaks my heart remmebering that beautiful yet sad confession!!!!but i dont want taichi to end up either way, be it getting the girl or loosing the game nor winning the game but loosing... AnjaliTOT

    I hear you. Wonder if there is fanfiction for Chihayafuru.