Junyoung Appreciation (Chapters 44-45)

Cloe900311 May 9, 2018 9:28 pm

Junyoung was genuine and honest! He was on his knees and actually said sorry to the woman he thought was Sihoon's wife!! ;______; After all, Junyoung only broke up with Sihoon because our young boy thought he was the third party, and didn't want to destroy a family... </3

I know Sihoon didn't deserve Junyoung's treatment, but bravo Junyoung for doing what you believed was right (even though you misunderstood the situation LOL)!! <3 I love the respect Junyoung had for the doctor's wife when Junyoung slapped Sihoon's hand away because "your wife is watching!" ><

I feel bad for Junyoung because he fell in love with Sihoon and while they were together, he just couldn't help feeling guilty because of the misunderstanding... :/ The breakup was tough for both Junyoung and Sihoon, so I look forward to their domestic life and makeup sex <33

    Angie_Angel May 9, 2018 9:39 pm

    I feel the same, i did find him annoying at times,
    but i can't say i wouldn't do the same thing if i was in his shoes.

    Cloe900311 May 9, 2018 9:58 pm
    I feel the same, i did find him annoying at times, but i can't say i wouldn't do the same thing if i was in his shoes. Angie_Angel

    This was Junyoung's first time falling in love, so he didn’t have prior experience to rely on either. Despite how terrible it seems to be dating a married man your best friend is also dating (in Junyoung's mind), I don't think he ever regretted falling in love with Sihoon, which didn’t make Junyoung feel any better. Junyoung was so conflicted because he knew it was wrong to be with Sihoon, but he just couldn't stop his feelings. :/ If Sihoon really was the married three-timer Junyoung thought he was, I don't know what kind of clean breakup they'd have...

    Some readers claim Junyoung should have been explicit, but I don't think he saw a reason to be because he thought the misunderstanding was real! Before Junyoung and Sihoon were about to have sex for the first time in chapter 20, Junyoung was hesitant about confronting Sihoon because he was afraid Sihoon would get tired of him. :((

    So, to Junyoung...the only options were to stay with Sihoon and feel guilty and scared, or for them break up. But when Sihoon sent Junyoung that text message, Junyoung was hurt because his emotional fear became reality: Sihoon had decided to leave him. I think Junyoung also wanted to leave Sihoon before Sihoon would hurt him by breaking up with him. But regardless of what Junyoung chose, he couldn’t help being heartbroken all because he fell in love…

    Oh gosh, this whole misunderstanding was emotionally stressful for Junyoung! T>T And to think Junyoung was all alone; he couldn’t talk with Mari and get advice from her because he thought Sihoon was her boyfriend ;_____;

    So, you’re right. I don’t know what any of us would do if we were in Junyoung’s position. :/

    Anonymous May 9, 2018 10:02 pm

    I agree... If Mari's brother had really been married, and Junyoung had accepted that he leave his wife in order to be with Junyoung, Junyoung would still have been a much more decent third-party than Mari is, and as a result his relationship would've been stronger and had more chances of turning long-lasting than Mari's relationship with her bald lover.

    Cloe900311 May 9, 2018 10:09 pm
    I agree... If Mari's brother had really been married, and Junyoung had accepted that he leave his wife in order to be with Junyoung, Junyoung would still have been a much more decent third-party than Mari is, a... @Anonymous

    I think Junyoung has more morals than Mari LOL. While Mari did not appear guilty at all for being with a married man, Junyoung just couldn't be at ease when he thought Sihoon was a married three-timer :/ Since Mari never requested her boyfriend to divorce his wife and leave his family (including his child(ren) I assume), she never expected a long-lasting relationship. Mari just wanted a relationship that made her feel loved, while Junyoung wanted honesty along with the genuine emotions Sihoon provided him. Junyoung wanted to be Sihoon's only partner, while Mari didn't care about that. So, we could say Junyoung wanted a serious committed relationship, while Mari was just looking for a fling.

    Anonymous May 9, 2018 10:16 pm
    I think Junyoung has more morals than Mari LOL. While Mari did not appear guilty at all for being with a married man, Junyoung just couldn't be at ease when he thought Sihoon was a married three-timer :/ Since ... Cloe900311

    Lol, I honestly have no idea what Mari was expecting from her own relationship... If she really was just looking for a fling, she could've chosen any other married dude out there, and not her brother's own friend colleague. That's why I doubt it. But with her low maturity level, it was surely doomed not to last, whether she wanted it or not...

    Cloe900311 May 9, 2018 10:23 pm
    Lol, I honestly have no idea what Mari was expecting from her own relationship... If she really was just looking for a fling, she could've chosen any other married dude out there, and not her brother's own frie... @Anonymous

    Feel free to join this discussion thread about Mari --> http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/3019939/ I tried to think from Mari's perspective. Maybe Mari's relationship with the bald doctor was a way to get Sihoon's attention. After all, Mari was probably lonely after their father passed away and Sihoon moved out... There aren't many scenes between Mari and their mother either. The mom still loves Sihoon deeply of course, like when we saw her attempt to arrange a blind date for Sihoon, despite Mari telling her Sihoon's gay. ><

    Or, maybe like Mari and the bald doctor claimed... They just liked each other. Although, I frown at the bald doctor for talking about his affair with Mari to Sihoon. ;____; Imagine how dumb Sihoon must feel now...
