
I agree... If Mari's brother had really been married, and Junyoung had accepted that he leave his wife in order to be with Junyoung, Junyoung would still have been a much more decent third-party than Mari is, and as a result his relationship would've been stronger and had more chances of turning long-lasting than Mari's relationship with her bald lover.

Junyoung was genuine and honest! He was on his knees and actually said sorry to the woman he thought was Sihoon's wife!! ;______; After all, Junyoung only broke up with Sihoon because our young boy thought he was the third party, and didn't want to destroy a family... </3
I know Sihoon didn't deserve Junyoung's treatment, but bravo Junyoung for doing what you believed was right (even though you misunderstood the situation LOL)!! <3 I love the respect Junyoung had for the doctor's wife when Junyoung slapped Sihoon's hand away because "your wife is watching!" ><
I feel bad for Junyoung because he fell in love with Sihoon and while they were together, he just couldn't help feeling guilty because of the misunderstanding... :/ The breakup was tough for both Junyoung and Sihoon, so I look forward to their domestic life and makeup sex <33