I don't know korean but did the doctor said something with 3 then words
it might be 3 weeks just guesting :3

Well, I'm really weary about Hyesung and abortion though. I know he's the type to seriously consider it. And using a child as plot device for relationship to develop is really risky move, hyesung is the type of idiot that blurt out shit in argument like " I only stay with you cause you got me knock up " and that shit won't blow over easily.

It's weeks. The doctor says that he is 3 weeks pregnant.

Honestly, I don't think Hyesung would've really gone through with an abortion on his own. He just talks and thinks out loud. And at the moment he's freaking out. I mean it wasn't long ago that he just found out he was an omega. While still dealing with that, he now has to deal with being preggers. And he didn't have much chill to begin with Him throwing tantrums at the Dr's office had me laughing so hard. Dojin's going to have his hands full with our cute little cinnamon bun.
I think they won't stay together only because of the baby. If anything, I think Hyesung will see Dojin's kind and affectionate side and fall in love with him too. And then they'll also deal with Hyesung's family issues together. I can't wait!

Tbh I think he isn't really pregnant. I meant, should we REALLY trust doctors who apparently mess up exams' results in a daily bases? First both Hyesung and Tofu being wrongly assigned as alphas for years and now this pregnancy even thought they only had unprotected sex for like 3 seconds hmmm (not that it's impossible, but imo it's just another messed up exam result, which the author will use smartly as a plot device).

Rationally though, a termination would be the best for both parties (Dojin & Hyesung). They have known each other for just over 3 weeks, and the child was conceived without any planning or consent from either men. Hyesung also is not financially stable to provide for a child, and he has his own identity issues relating to being an omega that he has not worked on. The experience of pregnancy, child birth and then raising a child might be quite traumatic for Hyesung considering he has not accepted his omega identity. Also, having a baby to create, repair and maintain a relationship with Dojin isn't exactly a smart idea.

He's only 20 years old after all.

I don't think Hyesung should have to be financially responsible for the baby. Since Dojin is the father, as long as one of them can afford it, they're good to go. I do agree that Hyesung isn't mature enough at this point. But that doesn't mean he won't grow in the next nine months. In the real world, plenty of moms are able to do it. Pregnancy is not the end of the world lol. There's plenty of room for character growth which is what will make this story even better than it already is!

Maybe, but to look at this from a more dour realistic angle, there relationship is hardly stable. Meaning a separation in the future doesn't seem unlikely, Hyesung at the moment has no home of his own, either to rent or to own, he also has dropped out of secondary school meaning he struggles to find and maintain part time work. For him to be a a potentially single parent, even with the child support provided by Dojin isn't going to be a walk in the park. He has no family support, which usually would be the first port of call when it comes to help with childcare, meaning he would essentially be a man in his early 20's, having to either work on low income jobs as well as pay for private childcare, or instead become unemployed in order to look after his child full time. Even if he stayed with Dojin, becoming a house husband (or a kept man if you prefer a more common expression) isn't a long term soloution.

Great point. But there are people who can accept that things don't go according plan all the time. In life, there will be situations where you'll be pulled in a different path than what you've set for yourself. Some situations happen and make you learn to adapt and change. Changing of path in life isn't always a negative thing.
Some couples work things out. It's not that love magically fixes things.
But it can change you, make you stronger and braver.

These are all good points in the real world. But we're talking about omegaverse here. Hyesung may not have a stable career but a lot of his future prospects are affected by the fact that he's an omega. Isn't the purpose of the omega to give birth to alpha babies? Obviously we want more for Hyesung but he is technically fulfilling his role as omega. I wouldn't view his life too closely from a real world lense because the omegaverse is far from reality. I myself am glad that Hyesung doesn't have to worry about money right now. And he's not a cruel person. He's just tsundere. So I think once he gets over his confusion, he's going to love Dojin and their children passionately.

I thought so too, but (if we assume the omegaverse pregnancy here works in the same way as the pregnancy irl) it should still be impossible to find out Hyesung is pregnant with less than 24h from the conception - not to mention he wasn't in heat then. Also, Hyesung is a recessive omega, which means that even if he has unprotected sex with a strong dominant alpha during his heat, there are still somewhat small chances of impregnancy... they would have to be major unlucky for Hyesung to get pregnant for realz. But oh well now I am reading too much into it. But I do think it's a false pregnancy that will induce a hell lot of things (Dojin's family pressure to marry, Hyesungs' dad showing up and hurting him somehow, etc).

I think Hyesung would seriously think about an abortion, for all the mentioned reasons, and also because he barely sees himself as an omega, let alone thinks his role as a "human" is fulfilled by having a baby. Also, we are all assuming it's either abortion or Hyesung becoming a dotting mama, but he could very well let the child live with Dojin (also the child's parent, and way more suited financilly to raise them), and be part of their lives in a more indirect way until he is more stable - financially and mentally speaking.
Tbh, I think if the pregnancy IS real, Hyesung won't abort even if that is the best option given their situation, mostly because Hyesung is a very affectionate person with serious family issues; I don't think he'd be able to "abandon" a "child" in the same way he was (again, I am speaking from Hyesung point of view on the whole matter). However, he would have major problems to adapt to his reality, and could even run away eventually, making Dojin chase him.

This has been an interesting discussion, but I think, taking away the economic imbalance/uncertainty the big concern I see is Hyesung rejecting his "role" as being an omega, especially as this is something he only recently was forced to identify with. For him to accept his body changing through pregnancy, having to give birth and ultimately have to face in the most stark way that he is really an omega seems like it would possibly be quite difficult for him, and might impact his ability to look after himself, and his dependent child. I guess it's the same as when someone is suffering from an eating disorder, and has body dysphoria, usually the mother would be monitored by a mental health team as such loss of autonomy, change in identity, as well as the body needing to change in order to nourish a baby are possibly traumatic events, even if the pregnancy and birth are otherwise healthy. The omegaverse world seems to be used as a metaphor for heterosexual relationships rather than say, a more progressive depiction of same sex couples in 2018 adopting or using IVF, so I think it's easy to relate such events like the pregnancy, risk of sexual assault etc to women's experience.
SPOILER discussion for ch 20
So that last image of Dojin with his eyes all warm and filled with love has seriously made my day. And I absolutely love Hyesung. So let's name some reasons why Dojin loves Hyesung despite the fact that Hyesung acts tsundere and always acts like he hates Dojin.
I'm going to say that Dojin loves Hyesung's dynamic emotional character. Mixed in with his cuteness and he's so adorable. I also think Dojin likes taking orders from Hyesung hehe. Another thing is the fact that Hyesung didn't grovel or suck up to him when they first met and that made a strong first impression.