I'm so excited!

Dusitmatter May 4, 2018 8:10 pm

It's been a while since I've had a relationship and on a whim I accepted this guys offer for a date, and I loved it. We clicked within minutes, and I think this can go somewhere. I'm trying to keep this down low in case it doesn't, but I need some advice! For those in a relationship, when did you know that you wanted to establish it? It's just the first date so I'm not about to get all mushy about it, and I'm only really 17, but I'm optimistic.

    Anon May 4, 2018 8:26 pm

    Same! I’m 17, and I was in the same place you were a few months ago. Unfortunately we didn’t work out, but I get what you were feeling! Umm...we kind of established it after a few dates really. Go out with him just a couple more times, something fun, like hiking or rollerskating and see if you really can enjoy spending several hours with him. My ex asked me out around that time too. Unless you were wondering when you should ask him out?

    Kitty May 4, 2018 8:54 pm

    In past relationships, it took like at least 3 dates or more. Definitely don't establish so fast, you don't want to come off as desperate.

    ermar May 4, 2018 8:57 pm

    1)did u guys kiss at the end of the date?
    2)do u text each other daily?
    as for the relationship part, the only thing u can do is go on some dates. if he doesnt say anything, u can just ask him where this is going...or ask if u r exclusive(trust me some guys think that its okay to make out with other girls when u r not officialy in a relationship)
    if he is the innocent type, take things slow and everything will be okay..if he is like "ive dated 30 girls before you" just care and make things clear....

    Dusitmatter May 4, 2018 9:02 pm
    Same! I’m 17, and I was in the same place you were a few months ago. Unfortunately we didn’t work out, but I get what you were feeling! Umm...we kind of established it after a few dates really. Go out with ... @Anon

    I wasn't really worrying about when to ask him out, but I wouldn't mind being the inebriated to pop the question. I don't have strong feelings towards him but idk, after today I can jus tell see us growin into something. Sorry if I'm being intrusive but why didn't you guys work? I honestly, it wouldn't really mind if we don't last or even become a thing, I'm just kind of proud of myself for putting myself out there again.

    Dusitmatter May 4, 2018 9:02 pm
    I wasn't really worrying about when to ask him out, but I wouldn't mind being the inebriated to pop the question. I don't have strong feelings towards him but idk, after today I can jus tell see us growin into ... Dusitmatter

    *the one

    Anon May 4, 2018 11:50 pm
    I wasn't really worrying about when to ask him out, but I wouldn't mind being the inebriated to pop the question. I don't have strong feelings towards him but idk, after today I can jus tell see us growin into ... Dusitmatter

    Ah I see. No it’s okay about the question lol, because if I knew I would tell you! but in all seriousness, I liked the guy for a little bit, we went on a few dates, he asked me out, I met his family, friends, etc. He was my first relationship, kiss, cuddle, hand holding, pretty much the whole slew of things. Plus I really was super comfortable around him, and he was very respectful, which is stuff that I now know I value a lot. But.. on one day, he just stopped texting. He totally ghosted. I got super worried, I texted and texted, brought him stuff at his work because I knew he was tired, I tried getting to meet up with him just to talk things out, and he never answered back. I texted him if we had broken up, and he hasn’t answered since. Everytime I see him, he avoids me and takes a lap around the school in order to avoid me. It’s been two months since I sent that message.... so... I had to suck it up, and stop being depressed about it. I had to deal with it, and the most painful thing was that I didn’t have a reason why. I kept thinking I did something horrible to him, but he was always number one when it came to his happiness and safety. So maybe he just hates me? Maybe he’s going through something? He seemed genuinely happy, and I don’t understand why he would ask me out and kiss me first, and meet his family, if I seriously didn’t matter? Whatever.I don’t know honestly.... And what’s sad is that I still care about him, obviously not that much, but I still wanted to be in his life, and ill never know why I can’t. So yeah lol, thanks for letting me rant. Hope everything works out with you! ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Dusitmatter May 5, 2018 12:51 am
    In past relationships, it took like at least 3 dates or more. Definitely don't establish so fast, you don't want to come off as desperate. Kitty

    Thanks great advice. Rather than clingy over one date, I'm just kind of curious to see what happens. Half of the excitement is from the fact that I haven't dated in years, and that's a lifetime in teenager.

    Dusitmatter May 5, 2018 12:58 am
    1)did u guys kiss at the end of the date?2)do u text each other daily?as for the relationship part, the only thing u can do is go on some dates. if he doesnt say anything, u can just ask him where this is going... ermar

    1. Nah we didn't kiss at the end of the date. He introduced himself a week ago with an interest so we decided to go out to eat today to get to know eachother. Went great though.

    2. We texted eachother only a bit before we met up and it was then that we really talked. He made it clear that he was into me and I think it's becoming mutual. Complete gentleman with just so many common interests, and while he's nice I don't think he's the definition of "innocent". I'm definitely going to take things slow and during that time, we'll just hang out more and see how it goes.

    Dusitmatter May 5, 2018 1:02 am
    Ah I see. No it’s okay about the question lol, because if I knew I would tell you! but in all seriousness, I liked the guy for a little bit, we went on a few dates, he asked me out, I met his family, friends... @Anon

    Well damn. Have any jealous exes that might have intimidated him? Sounds like something of the sort. Still, that sucks. Hoping that the next relationship goes better, or at least has a more respectable end. Good luck! ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Anon May 5, 2018 2:15 am
    Well damn. Have any jealous exes that might have intimidated him? Sounds like something of the sort. Still, that sucks. Hoping that the next relationship goes better, or at least has a more respectable end. Goo... Dusitmatter

    Thanks! And no, I had no other exes, he was my first relationship. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭