Maybe you're the one with amnesia because this guy did not forget who he fucked. If you remember everything after waking up then you must be abnormal. Ktbn.

He did wake up after fainting like " where am I? "!!!!
Ummm You got kidnapped son!!! Kidnapped and got a haircut!!!
I like the artist but some of her works story line are almost too convenient.

He didn't faint, he fell asleep and was carried to the guys home while being asleep. It's obvious he wouldn't remember where he is considering he didn't notice/see being brought there.
And it wasn't kidnapping either. The seme likely didn't know where the uke lived, so what was he supposed to do? Leave him on the streets until he wakes up?
How come all the characters from this artist never remember shit?!
Like almost every Uke has Amnesia and cant remember who they fucked ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍