I truly believe that cheating is the most form of disrespect you give to the person you say you love

Castle May 2, 2018 5:06 am

Although I respect your opinion, I truly believe that cheating is the most form of disrespect you give to the person you say you love.

I've been in a relationship for 14 years, and I never cheated on him. Because I truly respect him, and I'm the type of person that can't have more than one person/ relationship at a time.

So I talked to him, explained it to him, and said if he has this desired he should break up with me, and live the life the way he thinks it's best.

Because if he acts like this he will show that he valued everything we lived up till this point, and although I will suffer, this will hurt me less, especially since he knows how much I suffered seen my parents relationship.

I believe that you should talk to the person you say you love, and say that you prefer an open relationship, and let the other person think and choose if this type of relationship will be good for her/him.

Because if you don't talk about this before you start a serious relationship, you are cheating and disrespecting the person you say you love, besides you are being egoistic.

Both people should know what they should expect of the relationship, if one can't do an open relationship and was discussed it before, and you go and do it before you finish the relationship, you are doing the most hurtful and egoistical thing you can do.

A lot of people say that no one can do an only two person relationship, but exist person like me that really can't do an open relationship, believe me I've tried and it hurt me so much that no one would expect it.

So be honest in your relationship, especially if you say you love that person, and let that person choose if an open relationship is ok with her/him too.

I'm sorry for the long text and my poor English, but reading this comment section I need to write it, because a lot of people are saying that it's impossible not to cheat, but they are not saying with they respect the their partner and talk about the possibility of an open relationship is ok with them

    litebunny May 2, 2018 5:18 am

    I had a 5 year relationship, but in the end of our reation I was tired, and speaking frankly, I only saw him as my best friend and not as my lover anymore.

    So, before starting cheating on him and having him as my friend only, I explained what I felt and them we broke up... IT'S REALLY SIMPLE, it hurts a lot, but it is simple. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    After 1 year, we still friends, even now that I have a new boyfriend~ so girls and boys, don't cheat on your partner just cause it's easy in the beggining ~ you will see that soon or later you will regret it... or not (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    Castle May 2, 2018 6:18 am
    I had a 5 year relationship, but in the end of our reation I was tired, and speaking frankly, I only saw him as my best friend and not as my lover anymore. So, before starting cheating on him and having him as ... litebunny

    I totally agree with you, and I can say that you are very courageous, you took a path that was hard, but on the long run you and your ex partner gained much more.

    I don't know what the future holds for me and my partner, even though I hope for us to be together, but if we start to feel the same thing you described, I really hope we can do the same thing you guys did(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Avonberry May 2, 2018 1:05 pm

    I agree with your sentiments so much! and your English is hardly poor.

    Castle May 3, 2018 1:07 am

    Thank you Avonberry, I'm working really hard to improve my English, and you comment made my day

    litebunny May 3, 2018 2:20 pm
    I totally agree with you, and I can say that you are very courageous, you took a path that was hard, but on the long run you and your ex partner gained much more. I don't know what the future holds for me and m... Castle

    Thank you, and I hope that your relationship stays strong forever <3 14 years is a child in high school lol It's so nice to see people who can make it for so long (≧∀≦)