omg he doesnt treat him like shit because HE IS GAY but because his family split because of Sarang being gay (of c ourse it isnt sarang fault but they homophobic father)

yup it's really normal to be in love with sb for years and then forget about taht sm in couple of days, and what's even better falls in love with IDENTICAL TWIN CHEAP... it's SICK and really FLAT TBH man

oook, but man there are billions of other people...why his identical twin for fuck sake.... his feelings for Sarang look really cheap and unconvincing because of that

So? He still vent it all out on Sarang, driving him into depression and all. Sure, they were still kids back then but now he still can't control his anger and tried to punch Sarang in the face for talking. My point is I don't understand why Sarang is getting all these hates. And about your second comment: Let's say Woojung is straight as hell, what's Jinwoo going to do? Chase after him for the rest of his life? Torture & manipulate him to fall for him? Jinwoo ain't dumb. He did say he doesn't need Woojung's response and only want to see him happy (even if they never see each other again) so of fucking course it's normal for him to fall in love with other people as time passes aka Sarang. Is it really cheap tho? It doesn't look like he sees Sarang as Woojung anymore. He truly cares about him and if his heart feels like that, what u gon do?

But... their mother completly rejected Woojung because of his behavior towards Sarng, she should have talked, stayed in touch... the main poblem is their father... but of course it's simplier to run away from the main problem.
OF COURSE Jinwoo should move on...but why it has to be with Woojung identical twin? From bilions of people...be honest man...author just wanted some cheap drama going on...and thought of that ridiculous mambojambo twin thing.... which is just unnecessary.

their friendship is pretty toxic. Woojung doesn't trust his friend, fought his friend for a girl. That girl, whatever her name was is also pretty trash. She rejected Woojung and didn't give a single shit about his feelings. She asked him to help her getting Jinwoo for herself knowing Woojung's still madly in love with her instead of doing it herself. The list goes on~

I thought the same thing. The parents are at fault too. And about the twin thing, it has to be Sarang because Jinwoo was the one who mistaken and they both fucked not once but twice. Jinwoo is the responsible type so he can't just pretend like they didn't know each other and try to save his own ass. His personality drives him to worry and responsible for Sarang. It's only natural if they get attracted to each other. If cheap drama is the type that the author want to go with then let em be :3

First off, yes this story is not well written and full of cliches and we all clearly care too much about it.
Second, I do not see any evidence, that their mother cut ties with Woojung?? They do not seem to have much contact, something both are regretting, but where do you get her rejecting Woojung from? For me it seems either their father interfered, because he doesn´t want the "gay one" tainting his precious normal son, or Woojung not contacting his mother because that would mean possibly having contact with Sarang.

Their mother is AN ADULT...she should have made more effort.. tried to fight their father, not RUN AWAY with one son...and barely contact, keep in touch with the other... it's not ok.
That story is for my sometimes just ridiculous and hilarious. Drama after drama after drama, characters are just flat. Nope. not my cup of tea at all.

It was really weird when Jinwoo who was still in love with Woojung (supposedly) slept SECOUND time with Sarang (who he barely knew) because he looked like his unrequited love. That was just distasteful for me.

Well this story managed to get me mad, soo I guess it accomplished something?
But I cannot agree with the first part. Divorcing a partner who is violent and abusive against one of your children is a pretty understandable in my book (and taking that child with you). She was not running away but making sure the child who needs her the most, because she is the only one who is accepting him and his sexuality, is save. And again, we do not know how exactly things went down between Woojung and his mother. From what we saw from her, how she talked about him and defended him, and how we saw Woojung act towards Sarang, it just seems more likely for me, that he was keeping his distance.
And even if he was not the one failing to keep in touch, I could understand the decision of the mother, to distance herself from him, since he is violently physically and emotionally abusive towards Sarang, and Woojung has his father taking care of him.

Everyone seems to forget one small thing: Woojung rejected his brother and his father is raising him as his image. intolerant and shit. It's not like he would accept Sarang if his mother asked him to go with them because he still think is all Sarang's fault, ya know? And now he blame Sarang for Jinwoo too. Woojung is blind because of the girl and she will do whatever she wants with Woojung to get Jinwoo to herself. Sarang miss his family and he blame himself for what happened in the past but he STILLS want to be loved for someone, his brother, his father. Plus, thart shitty ex-boyfriend only cause more damage on Sarang. When you have some much on your mind and life keeps fucking you up... crying is not the worse thing to do. BY FAR.

Still poorly written story with too much drama, I'm still waiting for sarang to get serious dissease or get accident and have amnesia. That's the level that this manhwa represents.
Woojung also feels rejected by everybody, his mother, his best friend who chose his brother in the end, girl that he loves but she loves another and uses him.

Was he rejected by everyone??
I mean Jinwoo just scolded him lightly for acting like this towards Sarang, I see no indication of him "choosing" Sarang over him?? They are still friends. Again, I do not see their mother rejecting him either, she clearly cares a lot for him. Sarang would really like to have a good relationship with him again, as well. His father loves him a lot. Just Seohee is ...problematic (the manipulative jealous girl, who cannot take no for an answer, is just a terrible cliche).
Soooo if Woojung would not be a homophobic little shit, life would be pretty swell for him (except his unrequited crush on Seohee, but he should have moved on from that years ago).

She only uses him because he is stupid enough to allow it. His situation is not even equal to Sarang. His mother didn't rejected him, it's pretty clear how she misses him and he choose to not getting in touch BECAUSE of Sarang. His best friend didn't rejected him either. Woojung wanted to Jinwoo to leave Sarang's side, he was selfish. Have your feelings rejected is something normal, man. Move on. Is what Jinwoo and Sarang are trying to do. What's wrong with?????

In the newest chapters there is no Woojung at all. Jinwoo isnt even trying to keep in touch (only iw Woojung suggests meeting).... And omg isnt it creepy that Sarang slept with his brother's (brother who hates him) best friend who was in love with said brother...just WTF was he thinking than?
I dont think that Woojung is so homophobic...he has the problem with the split in their family that was caused by saran'g "coming out" .
Idk man that manhwa is just not for me...the whole twins thing just makes me uneasy and it's just in a bad taste.
I don't understand how y'all hate Sarang but not Woojung. Sarang is so sweet and he doesn't deserve any of the shit that happened to him and now that he met Jinwoo, the only person after his mom who treats him right, y'all aren't happy for him? I get it, you don't necessary have to ship them, hell ship whoever you want but hating him is the cruelest thing ever.
Woojung on the other hand, treat his twin brother like shit just because he's gay. He's willing to cut ties with Sarang which shows how immature he is. Even if he was confused or scared, this is not how you respond to your sibling who trusts you, built up the courage to tell you their secret. I see that he feels guilty now so I hope at least he apologize and try to make up with Sarang.
Another thing is the ending would be much more appropriate if Jinwoo end up with Sarang. Their relationship seems to go smoothly so I hope the best for them. So far, Woojung seems straight to me so he can't magically fall for Jinwoo. Y'all be saying Jinwoo ending up with Sarang would be cliche but isn't it more cliche if Woojung just out of no where realize that he's gay and have feeling for the protagonist too?