Thought exactly the same thing/ Like the sleepy guy and the guy that asked for help are guaranteed, the perfume guy might have smiled only because he realized the whole "sniffing" that went on when they passed by him, but I highly doubt that (that thought cloud that said something about "what's so honest about that" or something might have come from the "help me" guy, which means that he is also in it since he makes it look like he is totally into girls or something

Yeah but it makes me read the text in a chopped up way... kind of like a Christopher Walken inflection....
I Feel Like All Three Of The Guys Who He Suspects Are In On It. If Not I Feel Like It's The Tired Guy And The Guy Who Asked For Help. - I Don't Know Why But I Kinda Feel Like The Perfume Guy Is Innocent. Probably Not Though To Be Honest.