Just some real lengthy thoughts contains [SPOILERS]

blueninja89 May 1, 2018 5:31 am



I feel so conflicted after reading this. While I'm not a fan of playboy semes like Takeru he's such a complex character. An individual like him is a product of his environment. He learned by example from his father that in order to garner attention and "love" you have to provide pleasure to others in some gratuitous fashion. This can take the form of sex, money, alcohol-essentially hedonistic pleasure. Takeru doesn't know what love is nor has he truly experienced it. What little he knows came in the form of his father's favorite mistress/ his son's tutor who was gained the sort of pleasure i've mentioned previously from Takeru's father, which I'm sure Takeru replicated in order to garner affection from her as well and create a bridge to his negligent father. I have to pity Takeru because i'm sure he doesn't even realize that this love he probably thought he harbored for her is likely a mixture of teenage hormones and a misplaced desire to be nurtured in some way. Hence why his novel's portrayal of her makes her greater than she actually was, which the mistress clearly recognized and commented that this was not herself but a glorified redition.

Takeru became the man that he is as a result of hiding himself and giving others what they wanted in order for them to "love" him. Takeru uses sex to obtain people's interest in him, but his inability to demonstrate anything beyond true affection and care shines through. Thus people can't stand him for long because really his personality is horrible and fake. Takeru knows this as well, but doesn't know how to change or maybe doesn't feel the need to change. But the cycle of him being unhappy continues with this in mind. I'm glad he got the closure he needed to try and break this cycle. I'm actually happy he did fall in love with Koga as well, because Koga actually clearly saw through Takeru to the origin of his pain and just forced him to address it head on. Avoidance gains you nothing. Though like I said i'm conflicted about their relationship because I honestly think Takeru getting over his ex so quickly won't overwrite the pseudo-exterior he's built up around himself so quickly. I mean he's been like this for years, weeks aren't just enough. I'm actually worried that as earnest as he may seem he may in fact cheat on Koga had the manga continued or if this was placed in a real world scenario. Though this is fiction of course and if they're happy together i'm happy as a reader. Though Takeru appears to be a sex addict and the affection he perceives from it is tied up in the physical act for him.That takes a while to change a mindset is so ingrained. For example, he couldn't even stop himself from being physical with Koga despite knowing that having sex so soon would cheapen his affections. As Koga said they've not even said "i love you" to each other yet. While you don't have to have sex to love someone, Takeru needs to learn to differentiate intimacy and pleasure at this point so for this reason sex maybe should have been delayed. Of course Koga is a consenting adult, but Takeru knows Koga is not as sexually experienced as him. Koga went with the flow of Takeru's pace trying to meet Takeru's expectations, when really they both should feel at ease with one another.

Tbh this is one of the only yaoi mangas for the first time I wish the mc couple had not consummated their relationship so quickly. Takeru knows his bad habit of wanting people the way he does is a bad habit. Takeru needs a little more time to grow up and I'm sure Koga would have stayed besides him regardless for him to do so. Koga has clearly accepted Takeru is who he is because of his experiences, and is not actually a great guy but one who's at least trying to be better. Still I'm a glutton for punishment and did appreciate the sex regardless. Lastly these are just my opinions and of course we can disagree. I just wanted to praise such nuanced characterization. Man I really did like his manga. These characters were just so amazing because they had so much depth to them. Like I said I usually am not a fan of the playboy trope(seme/uke) because they toy with their partner's emotions and their reasoning behind it is usually petty, childish, or just simple fuckboi tendencies. But wow has Amagakure sensei made me given more thought to the trope when it is done in a mature/ honest way. Also big thanks to The Devil Herself, because while I'm sorry this was uploaded without your consent I'm really glad I got to read this.

    Anonymous May 1, 2018 5:13 am

    Apparently there's a sequel for the manga..?? Or Idk since myreadingmanga labels it as a sequel...though I searched it up in mangaupdates and the cover is of the two couples from the manga this story adapted from. All chapters for it is out so hopefully it gets translated soon.

    Major Nosebleed May 1, 2018 5:21 am
    Apparently there's a sequel for the manga..?? Or Idk since myreadingmanga labels it as a sequel...though I searched it up in mangaupdates and the cover is of the two couples from the manga this story adapted fr... @Anonymous

    Yakedo to Tsumeato is a sequel to this: http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/seinen_hakkaten/

    blueninja89 May 1, 2018 5:25 am
    Apparently there's a sequel for the manga..?? Or Idk since myreadingmanga labels it as a sequel...though I searched it up in mangaupdates and the cover is of the two couples from the manga this story adapted fr... @Anonymous

    just actually looked into just now yep there's apparently a sequel to Seinen Hakkaten which is the story of Najima's nephew but takes place seven years into the future, https://myanimelist.net/manga/86566/Aoi_Tori_yori can't seem to find raws either but yeah hopefully it's translated.

    The Devil Herself (scanlator) May 1, 2018 5:27 am

    Oh my, that's quite an essay you made. :D You got the names *ahem* mixed up, but I get what you mean. ^^ Their characterization and the way Amagakure-sensei handled them are what me fell in love, and prompted me to work on Seinen Hakkaten and Yakedo to Tsumeato. They're just super relatable, endearing, hurting and funny. I like it when you said that they shouldn't have progressed too fast in their relationship but at the same time, you're open to what's to come with them in the future, because it's open-ended (sorta) yet brimming with hope (because Najima started healing, too, as mentioned on the last panel). And that's why I'll be working on the final volume (that wraps up both stories) with a collaborator in a couple of months. ;)

    And don't worry about having my scans uploaded here, I don't mind at all. I was irked in the beginning because Mangago uploaded the pages MINUS the credits page, but I contacted them, and the credits are in place now, so we're good. ^^

    blueninja89 May 1, 2018 5:32 am
    Oh my, that's quite an essay you made. :D You got the names *ahem* mixed up, but I get what you mean. ^^ Their characterization and the way Amagakure-sensei handled them are what me fell in love, and prompted m... @The Devil Herself (scanlator)

    oh my god i WAS SO exited reading this and then needed to write out all my emotions there after i didn't even notice I was such a dingus and made such a mistake! Thanks for picking that up and of course thanks again for the translation you're the best!

    The Devil Herself (scanlator) May 1, 2018 5:42 am
    oh my god i WAS SO exited reading this and then needed to write out all my emotions there after i didn't even notice I was such a dingus and made such a mistake! Thanks for picking that up and of course thanks... blueninja89

    No problem. I'm glad you guys like it. ^^
    And, Amagakure-sensei is the best. :')

    Sam May 1, 2018 5:53 am

    Just wanted to clarify, Najima and Takeru are the same person lmfao Najima Takeru's lover is Koga Masamune.

    jmin May 2, 2018 5:26 am
    Apparently there's a sequel for the manga..?? Or Idk since myreadingmanga labels it as a sequel...though I searched it up in mangaupdates and the cover is of the two couples from the manga this story adapted fr... @Anonymous

    There’s a Chinese translated version though if you’re interested :)
    Aoi Tori Yori - http://www.manhuaren.com/manhua-xingfudeqingniao