Worth the work

Moran E. April 29, 2018 7:03 am

I had to read it in Spanish, but if you're able to, I totally recommend y'all read it til the end. It's really fluffy

Spanish translation - all chapters here http://qvfamma.tumblr.com/search/unmei+ja+nai

    sweetie58 June 11, 2018 8:11 pm

    Do you have a link where i can read it in spanish?

    Moran E. June 12, 2018 5:37 am
    Do you have a link where i can read it in spanish? sweetie58

    You can read the chapters in Spanish in the tumblr link I posted!

    sweetie58 June 12, 2018 7:01 am

    Oh thank you very much