Very Dramatic Fangirl April 29, 2018 5:38 am

Ive literally scoured the 88 pages to find this manga I read to years ago only to find NULL so plz help

Description: The protagonist is a girl with short curly hair who wears a cap and a dress. She looks like a loli but as a child she was kidnapped by yokai in exhange for power. As a result she lost a leg and an eye (I think) but she can now communicate with yokai and can go an exterminate the bad yokai. The second protagonist is a yummy looking male who ate a mermaid (I think?) or ate some kind of yokai to be immortal. 3Rd character/protag was a police woman and the guys ex. The latest chapter arc I remember was that an idol had died by metal beams falling on top of her and her ghost has taken form and is killing whoever passes by where she died. Apparently since her story circulated on the Internet and people believe her ghost to be real, she became real. Like you believe in gods so the god is real/has power stuff. Idol is busty af and has twin tails and swings a metal beam around like she just dont care.

The art is fucking bawler and I wanna read it again. Plot kept me interested but it wasnt completed. Help.
