Or in reality, she was just a decent, tolerant mother (as opposed to his homophobic dad) and her behaviour is what you would expect from a parent. Sorry, but your comment just came off as quite insular, it's the norm to support and be nice to others rather than discriminate them for being gay, you don't need to be gay yourself or a "fujoshi" to do this ffs.

Have you ever heard of homophobic??? It's a thing out there in some countries and yes that include the western countries as well.. I personally was raised in a homophobic environment and it is wrong to be a gay in my society.. I think the fujoshi shin just telling her opinion on this.. Plus it is not norm out there.. There are a lot of people who are against homo.. Instead of bashing her opinion why not support her statement

Because it's hardly progressive to think supporting equal rights is exceptional or makes you belong to some insular group. A parent not discriminating their son doesn't make them a "fujoshi", a politician who votes for same sex marriage doesn't make them a "fujoshi", a employer who enforces anti-discrimination policies does not make them a "fujoshi", someone on the street who tells a person shouting homophobic remarks to shut the hell up does not make them a "fujoshi". Sorry, but it comes off as though you are treating basic human dignity as a fucking novelty.

Hey, the original commenter just said she THINKS the mom could've been a fujoshi. We don't know if she is or not. There's no need to be so rude to someone just because they're thinking something which is very common in fujoshis btw and it is very common in BL mangas too. Usually women who appear in BL are shown to be either fujoshis or having one-sided crushes on the main characters. It's a pretty harmless thing to think that oh, the mother could be one too. And like original commenter said, they think that the mother is shipping her kid with another kid, and she's pretty much fangirling over them, which are usual fujoshi traits, which you would know and realize if you've read a lot of BL. No one is looking for any novelty of recognition here. There's no need to bring politics and reality into something fictional ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
I can see myself as xiao shiu's mother in the future(((*≧艸≦)ププッ Shipping her son with another guy(。-∀-) I think she used to be a fujoshi in her younger days