I want to understand people who are homophobic

weirdo90 April 27, 2018 12:00 pm

After reading the second chapter of "Voice of Love" I want to understand why and what makes people homophobic. Is it the act? Or it is about gender preferences? Please enlighten me.

This is not restricted to mangas, manhwa and webtoons. I'm pertaining to real life situations.

    キスケ April 27, 2018 12:09 pm

    I'm not a homophob, but my mom is a SUPER HOMOPHOB and I have argued with her so much. According to her, (she's Christian), it's wrong because God didn't make them that way, it will bring the population down (LIKE THAT ISN'T NEEDED), and it spreads more disease because that hole isn't supposed to be used.

    She also thinks that Trans are insane because they think they are the other gender, trying to hide that fact and lying to the public (she's looking at celebrities like Taylor Swift), and think that it might be a problem because like if a woman joins the army "pretending" to be male, their performance could be worse because woman just arn't as physically built as males.

    Michiyo♡ April 27, 2018 12:19 pm
    I'm not a homophob, but my mom is a SUPER HOMOPHOB and I have argued with her so much. According to her, (she's Christian), it's wrong because God didn't make them that way, it will bring the population down (L... キスケ

    My parents don't rly think like yours,They said,'They don't want to be like those stupid parents who refuse to accept their child's happiness or something,

    My mum said,U can do whatever that makes u happy just don't do drugs and stay in school,

    Anonymous April 27, 2018 12:34 pm

    Religion (not all or everyone but it plays a role for some), it was what they were taught so they continue the cycle, it's different from themselves so they think it's wrong

    minhoe April 27, 2018 12:34 pm

    Same, i don't get how a person could hate another person just for loving someone?? It's like bitch IT'S NOT HURTING YOU WHY ARE YOU BEING SO BITTER. My family is very accepting and loving, so i can't really answer your question. Sorry my answer was shit lmao

    poisen.ivy April 27, 2018 1:00 pm

    I kinda think the race "human" is just a evil beeing. if they are not against gays then they hate other races or religions or whatever. you can see it everytime and everywhere did you ever see the bad argumets with vegan people and (?)meat-eater. people just want to hate. you can also see it here (luckily only sometimes)

    weirdo90 April 27, 2018 1:05 pm
    I'm not a homophob, but my mom is a SUPER HOMOPHOB and I have argued with her so much. According to her, (she's Christian), it's wrong because God didn't make them that way, it will bring the population down (L... キスケ

    I'm a Catholic Christian and I stay true to my religion. It feels wrong to bring it into the subject and I don't want God made into an excuse in order to justify their opinions. I feel sick thinking of it. I know I asked the question but it feels so sad to think that people are so close minded about these matters.

    I hate to say it but it looks like your mom doesn't believe in gender equality and freedom or expression. I hope she does turn around though and look at the bigger picture. Sorry if I had offended you in any way about your mom. (╹◡╹)

    Anonymous April 27, 2018 1:44 pm
    I'm not a homophob, but my mom is a SUPER HOMOPHOB and I have argued with her so much. According to her, (she's Christian), it's wrong because God didn't make them that way, it will bring the population down (L... キスケ

    What's ironic is the man who commissioned the bible she is likely reading (King James VI & I) was openly gay, and even used Jesus's love for John to defend his relationship with one of his "favourites".

    CathyBLover April 27, 2018 1:51 pm

    Maybe something like it's socially deemed wrong and 'unnatural' and people usually wish not to be ostracized so they follow what others do. And what people (in this case heteros) don't understand also frightens them. Or they think that all the gays are lusting after the homophobes and at any second will bounce and rape them or something as unrealistic.

    Some may have had a bad experience because of one gay person and thus has concluded that all gays are bad.

    Circan April 27, 2018 2:13 pm

    Besides religion, some people feel their masculinity being threatened. Like some guys would be like "my guilty pleasure...is that sometimes...I like to watch (insert something that's associated with girls)" and then defend why it's okay and that they're not gay because of it as if being gay is about being feminine or doing things associated with "girls". Same for why some men feel so insulted when being called gay (i also don't think you should throw around the word "gay" to describe something negative like "that's so gay" when you see someone doing something stupid). Back to my point, some guys feel insulted being called gay because it means they are less than a "man" or traits associated with being an "alpha male". So it can be feeling threatened that they are not "man" enough (whatever the hell it means to even be a 'man"). This is just a perspective i've seen from men around me who don't follow a religion.

    As for the women, the only ones I've met who was homophobic was religious.

    But if you're reading this and you're queer (and haven't told anyone), just know you deserve love, care, respect, and everything else as any other person.

    HamesTheJames April 27, 2018 2:29 pm

    well if we are talking about voice of love then it is because of korea, but i gotta say with all the arguements aboutg how bad christians are imgonna defend them necause. whilee somme may just be following their religion, and most of them think that they are helping, and have giod intentions, but thats still not gonna make me come out to. mt parents. soooooooooo.

    (also sorry for the typos i am typing this on a phone)

    cat knight bytes April 27, 2018 2:31 pm
    I'm a Catholic Christian and I stay true to my religion. It feels wrong to bring it into the subject and I don't want God made into an excuse in order to justify their opinions. I feel sick thinking of it. I kn... weirdo90

    People will appear close minded when they feel under threat. It is all about politics. God has nothing to do with it whatever faith you belong to. I don't think people are closed mined they are sick of the constant political message. The mother has the right to think the way she wants . The person should be asking themselves the bigger question is she a good mother to me. I'm sure if you looked within we would all find our shared flaws.

    Trollodyte April 27, 2018 3:52 pm

    Same reason why people don't like Takis.

    キスケ April 27, 2018 4:01 pm

    Well, not all Christians (or religious people in general for that matter) are close-minded people, like my sister's fiance is bi and has actually done a few guys but is Christian. I love how open-minded he is and he got rid of any prejudice I had for Christians, not to mention he doesn't judge.

    GoldenScale April 27, 2018 4:53 pm

    I can give you a few reasons like religion, closed mind, misinformation and fear of the unknown. '^'
    Misinformation leads people (especially guys) into thinking that every gay is looking at them, wanting to f*ck them. And the fear of the unknown can actually happen to gay people themselves if they don't accept the fact that they have a different sexual orientation from others.
    There's also people who think being gay is a choice so they are afraid to turn gay if they befriend a gay.

    It's mostly just a lack of information or cultural values that creates homophobia.

    Also, it sure is weird if you look at it on the evolution perspective since we're supposed to reproduce ourselves. Though, if you think that the earth is gonna be overpopulated by humans in the future if it goes on, I guess it's normal for a mutation to appear (cause homosexuality is most likely genetic just like blue eyes that came from a mutation), but some people just stop thinking after "it's not in human nature to like the same sex".