Not much offense meant

Kat April 27, 2018 2:57 am

I love skip beat as much as the next big hearted, shoujo fangirl— dont get me wrong. It’s just that, has anyone noticed with this chapter that the author looks like they’re loosing passion for the comic? I know art styles change and shit but it just seems like this most recent chapter was done in such a lackluster manner that he story didn’t grip my heart like it usually does. This feels like it’s been going on for the past few chapters as well? I know that drawing manga isn’t easy, and I have no idea what’s going on in the mangaka’s life, but I really hope she isn’t losing passion for this project since she’s already dedicated so much time to it.

    Merleawe April 27, 2018 4:11 am

    Accidental thumbs down!

    Elisha April 27, 2018 5:36 am

    i can not confirm this but i heard her health has not been the best lately. on the other hand i always get a similar feeling when she starts a new arc especially since the last one answered a lot of questions.