he did it for the guy he loves, are we reading the same manhwa? have you not seen how Siwon cares so much about Jinha how he's cried so much, idc what Siwon did it does not make rape okay and if you're gonna sit here and justify rape because he drank a drink then you clearly don't care about any rape victims and are a horrible person who has no empathy for others.
the guy he love, that was blackmail, and told him that, yet he never cared about it. what love? I don't see any love here.
to be honest, I don't care about Siwon, he is an asshole prick that abuse Jinha like forever in this story. what rape? he seem to enjoy himself pretty much and blush a lot with the crazy dude even without drugs so....and he decided from his own free will to go with a crazy dude, knowing he was crazy and drink alchool with a dude that again kidnap his best friend ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ and publish their pic of them kissing. did he really believe the asshole will tell him anything? would you believe that if it was you? I"m asking for real now, would you go with a guy that kidnap and blackmail your lover and best friend?
first of all I don't know if you saw it but clearly Swion is really hurt by the situation second of all when has he enjoyed himself around Xaun Run besides before he found out he was Xaun Run? Third of all rape is not okay and it should never be okay he does not deserve to be raped nobody does. END OF STORY
read the chapter where Jinha tell him he was blackmail, and see how he react. Siwon hurt Jinha more times then I can count, insulting him, humiliating him, treat him like trush only cause he likes man, accuse him in everything that is "bad", abuse him.....I can keep going you know. and he never ever admit it was his fault. oh yeas can we talk about how Siwon know Lu kidnap his best friend and still go with him? oh and took his naked pic's and blackmaill Jinha, that say a lot about Siwon.
1. when the crazy dude come to his house. he seem to be happy and kind to him, knowing all he did to them. 2. when he hung out with him in front of Jinha eyes even though Jinha warn him. 3. Lu kiss him and he didn't seem too bother or disgust about it, only embarrassed and blush. 4. in the rews after the crazy dude kidnap him, Lu hug him in the pool, and Siwon blush hard like Lu was his read boyfriend and mostly let him do whatever he wants. oh yeas and kiss him back while they start to do it, but you can say he was "drugged" while they kiss, still he look like he enjoy the shit out of it even before been drugged (the rain kissing thing)
I"m actually happy Jinha left him after all he done to him, but I know he will come back and forgive him for everything he did.
has for the rape, you tell me, will you go out with someone you know that did horrible things to people around you and take naked pic's of you after you got drank? would you??????
I get it but....could he just go ask Jinha himself? why go with someone you know is crazy and do horrible things and have no shame to kidnapp someone and take a naked pic of Siwon instead of going to Jinha himself and for once in his life, admit he was wrong? he actually would have been much more of a man then how he act.
go to Jinha? they're relationship is strained you saw how they acted when they walked past each other. Siwon is hurting and so is Jinha, it's not like Siwon is in Xaun Runs brain in the moment he's thinking about the "secret" Xaun Run knows about Jinha not that Xaun Run is planning to roofie him and rape him that thought probably didn't even cross his mind I'm just saying. NO ONE deserves rape and I see your point Siwon made a bad decision going with him but that does not mean he deserves it at all and that does not mean it's his fault either, no rape victim is at fault for being raped it just happens. So please do not blame the victim because that's just horrible and I only hope one day you'll understand just how hurtful it could be.
it all cause Siwon is an asshole that can't stop been an ass to Jinha for two minutes ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Jinha actuallly trying to keep this fuck up relationship despite all Siwon trying to ruin it. Siwon is always "hurting" by something and take his anger at him, not new at all.
right cause taking his naked pic's don't mean the guy can rape you, right? Siwon really stupid if he can't get the guy can rape him.
like I said, in this case Siwon easily could have avoid it and choose not to!! I"m not even sure it really rape if Siwon choose to go and get drank with him knowing how great it was in the first time he did it ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ the only way you can defent him is say he is the most moron character ever exist that don't learn shit from the first time. it is his fault cause again, HE CHOOSE TO GO WITH HIM! I will never agree to let him run from responsibility like youi let him do. it his responsibility to choose who to go with!!
I'm not going to argue with you anymore, clearly you have no actual experience with rape and you're obviously naive in those situations it's obvious that the only rape you've witnessed is in manga/manhwa where it is overly romanticized I understand why you think this way but this is a topic that you know nothing about so you'd truly n never understand why it it is never okay to victim blame unless you actually experienced what victims go through or watched it happen to someone you're close to. Siwon doesn't want it therefore it's rape and I T I S N O T H I S F A U L T . you're normalizing rape by saying it's okay and that is just a slap in the face to all rape victims. Siwon has never actually encountered a rapey situation in his life therefore he would not understand what's going on AND EVEN if he did, I T W O U L D N O T B E H I S F A U L T. it doesn't matter what you wear, what you drink, who you're around, if he doesn't want it, if he doesn't consent it is rape and rape is never OKAY, the only persons who's fault it is is the rapist and that's final period. If you're gonna continue to talk like you understand a situation like that please educate yourself on ACTUAL rape and not romanticized rape.
Rn I dont rlly care for Siwon, if he gets raped... UR FAULT CAUSE URE AN IDIOT.
AND jinha, my cute hot baby... Go find someone else who really deserves you!