
Levi and Erwin have both divorced their wives and Levi and Erwin are now living together.
I'm not sure if that help but that was what the person was trying to say. That Levi and Erwin both divorced there wives and it they don't say what happens to the woman afterwards but Erwin and Levi started to live together.

I'm confused about one thing though...
Who slapped Levi's face? Was it Erwin or the wife?
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It seems like some people didn’t fully understand the story, so I’ll try to explain.
Everything was planned by Levi. He got into a faked marriage with some random lesbian lady because he knew that if Erwin thought he was married, Erwin would approach him. He had originally planned to make Erwin fall for him again, ruined his life (because the reason Erwin broke up with him in the first place was because he said there was no future for them as a gay couple) and then dump him so that he’ll feel how painful it was for him when Erwin broke up with him back then.
However, he couldn’t go through with the plan because he LOVES Erwin still. There are many clues littered within the series. When Eren mentioned that Levi suddenly got married because he was in love, that was not true. The person they said he was always in love with, was not his wife but Erwin. His cellphone could also be a clue. Eren mentioned that Levi uses an old model because he’s not good with technology. But it is hinted that the reason why he still has his old phone is because he has always secretly wish that Erwin would contact him again. He most likely still has the same number. The greatest clue is the two-page flashback of him seeing Erwin in the crowd, making his way toward him only to realized Erwin’s married. The sadness there shows that Levi has never gotten over Erwin. For him, it has and only been Erwin.
In the end, Levi and Erwin are together. Levi and Erwin have both divorced their wives and are now living together. The last page with the text, “Hurry, come pick me up,” is Erwin telling Levi to come and pick him up.