Sorry but making someone fall in love to the point of being desperate and then threw him away for self satisfaction is cheating.

I see your point and it kinda make sense since cheating can also mean fraud or trickery. But let's see, there was never a relationship between them. It was just Kou being a jerk and asshole ans Shinobu being led around that's why when Shinobu said I love you to Kou it broke my heart since there is no reply of I love you too. But in this sense, you're cheating here has a wider scope than my cheating (though my bad for assuming that the cheating everyone here talks about is Kou being in a relationship with Shinobu but still slept around with other guys)

volume 2 came out in August last year: https://www.chil-chil.net/goodsDetail/goods_id/64043/

I hope I'll be about someone hitting on Shinobu

Exactly and it’s ironic to see that the one who cheated in the game is the one who lost it
I hate cheating as much as the majority was but in this case, Kouichirou did not cheat and i hate to admit this seriously. It was Shinobu who assumed all things onesidedly because the jerk Kou has led him around, giving him mixed signals. Well, Kou is charming, cunning and manipulative so Shinobu gave in eventually, poor Shinobu. I'm not on Kou's side believe me, I cried so much for Shinobu to be on the jerk's side. When it was Kou's POV i didn't even feel anything. But all in all, this was a damn good manga, i like the feels it gave me and Shinobu is happy and somehow Kou prove and is planming to continue to prove his love for Shinobu