I want more Otakek x Yuri djs,but then I remeber Yuri's age and I kinda feel guilty.I have...

❁❁❁ Kristi ❁❁❁ April 24, 2018 1:39 am

I want more Otakek x Yuri djs,but then I remeber Yuri's age and I kinda feel guilty.I have to say that ship them more than Victor and Yuri for some reason.

    Mariestaxx April 24, 2018 1:57 am

    I don't think a 3 year difference is bad and if u think about it isn't yurio 17 by now xD?

    olivia April 24, 2018 2:48 am
    I don't think a 3 year difference is bad and if u think about it isn't yurio 17 by now xD? Mariestaxx

    no, hes still 16 in the anime universe im pretty sure.

    olivia April 24, 2018 2:49 am
    I don't think a 3 year difference is bad and if u think about it isn't yurio 17 by now xD? Mariestaxx

    well unless you are talking about what his age would be in real life which would be 17 as of march 1st

    lia May 1, 2018 8:45 pm

    i really don't get that lol, there are tons of ships (i.e. from haikyuu, kuroko no basket etc.) and normal yaois with characters that 'young' or even younger, and no one bats an eye, but for YOI everyone acts as if yurio is a baby, just because victor and yuri are adults???

    ❁❁❁ Kristi ❁❁❁ May 1, 2018 10:01 pm
    i really don't get that lol, there are tons of ships (i.e. from haikyuu, kuroko no basket etc.) and normal yaois with characters that 'young' or even younger, and no one bats an eye, but for YOI everyone acts a... lia

    Personally it's because Yuri is just 15 (basically a kid) and I'm an adult so it's kind of weird.I do feel the same way with other yaoi that have such young protagonists,but it's mostly high school romances,they're cute and refreshing.In this case Otabek is 18 (I think) which for me is kinda off putting (it's not the 3 years of difference,it's because Otabek is considered an adult) although my issue is mostly that Yuri is young.You mentioned even younger protagonist,isn't that basically shota?I highly doubt that just because we enjoy yaoi we have to enjoy shota as well..I don't see how Victor and Yuri have anything to do with this,but both of them are adults so I don't find any problem.I wasn't planning to overanalyze this,but since you commented I did sorry for the long response( ̄∇ ̄")

    lia May 2, 2018 9:00 am

    sorry but i doubt that you find 'most highschool romances cute and refreshing' lol, while you haven't rated most mangas in your already read list, you have many DJ in there (which 90% are just smut/porn/sex), if you think a 15 y/o is just a kid but it's no problem if two 16 year olds are fucking each others soul out, i feel that that's definitely a double standard.

    as an adult you should know that turning 18 doesn't suddenly make you a different human being, so 3 years are only 3 years in that case. which is a super normal age gap between couples. you're not even considered an adult at 18 in japan, which kinda shows that just because you crossed a certain defining age it's not suddenly an issue. would otabek being 17 really change anything lol? (unless you're from the US haha)

    and victor and yuri play a role in this because apparently, if everyone is 16 (haikyuu, knb, free, etc.) it's okay, but if the mains are adults and only one guy is 15, that's suddenly 'too young'. i doubt that the 1 year is that important, nor the 3 years.

    ❁❁❁ Kristi ❁❁❁ May 2, 2018 11:02 am
    sorry but i doubt that you find 'most highschool romances cute and refreshing' lol, while you haven't rated most mangas in your already read list, you have many DJ in there (which 90% are just smut/porn/sex), i... lia

    You're right about the djs,I guess I don't mind those becase it's mostly sex and both of the mcs are the same age so I don't pay much attention to those.As for Otabek's age,yes you don't suddenly mature when you turn 18 but you definitely aren't in the same place with a 15 year old,at 18 you're very young but at 15 you're a kid,maybe I have a different mindset because in my county you're actually considered an adult at 18.Personally Victor and Yuri haven't affected my opinion and honestly I haven't even watched most of the animes that I've read djs of. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    lia May 2, 2018 5:45 pm

    in the majority of countries you're considered an adult at 18, but in no country i'm aware of are you a kid at 15, i think you should maybe re-evaluate how you view 15 year old people if you consider them kids

    are you truly from greece? because the official age of consent in greece IS 15

    ❁❁❁ Kristi ❁❁❁ May 2, 2018 7:07 pm
    in the majority of countries you're considered an adult at 18, but in no country i'm aware of are you a kid at 15, i think you should maybe re-evaluate how you view 15 year old people if you consider them kids ... lia

    What?hahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahhahaa I'm not saying that you're wrong but nobody in their right mind would go for a 15 year old here if they are adults (unless they're really immature,I even have a friend who is 19 with a 15 year old girlfriend but it definitely feels wrong) so yeah I am from Greece,but haven't you heard that Greeks are protective of their children?I'm not sure how old you are but my opinion on 15 year olds won't change,usually at that age you go through puberty...at 15 you're not even in high school.If you're problem is me saying kid instead of teenager then I guess you're right(?)

    lia May 2, 2018 9:30 pm

    my problem is that you're completely biased and fail to see that, 'nobody in their right mind', there are tons of couples where a 18 year old goes out with a 15 year old, and i doubt that this is much difference in greece. and the majority does not regard this as wrong or strange either. if a 25 would go out with a 15 year old, i could see your point, but even then, people are different.

    15 is a completely normal age to have relationships and (your first) sexual experiences, and implying that all of them are children just because you view them that way or you (maybe only in retrospect) feel that way about yourself is your opinion but not a fact. some may are, but most 15 year olds aren't children anymore. they aren't the embodiment of mature either, but that's not the point. it's whether they can use their genitals. we're talking about them having sex, not investing in stocks, making a contract to decide for their whole future, become kings, etc.

    and i doubt that 15 y/o in greece are that different from the rest of europe, i mean there is a reason for that age of consent, if they are still that childish, i would say i worry for the future of greece, but that horse is out the barn haha.

    you don't need to feel guilty, but if you want to, okay?

    ❁❁❁ Kristi ❁❁❁ May 2, 2018 10:04 pm
    my problem is that you're completely biased and fail to see that, 'nobody in their right mind', there are tons of couples where a 18 year old goes out with a 15 year old, and i doubt that this is much differenc... lia

    If the whole point of the conversation is whether they can use their genitals or not then yes they can,15 year old girls can get pregnant as well that doesn't mean they should.If sex for you is so simple then I see your point,but for me it's not just something to pass the time and again I live in Greece aka the most sexually active country in the world.Also,I clearly wrote 'my opinion on 15 year olds" so obviously this is just how I feel about the whole thing.You can believe anything you want and please if you ever visit us feel free to ask around if that's normal.I literally texted a couple of friends,cause I started to feel crazy and no,they don't think that 15 and 18 is normal when it comes to relationships.You can worry all you want because we don't want our 15 year olds having sex with adults and as for the future of Greece well I worry as well,but for the right reasons... "horse is out the barn" you must've felt smart typing that.

    lia May 3, 2018 12:45 pm

    the point of the conversation was that i do not get the reasoning nor double standard behind people saying yurio is so young, while they are completely fine with it in other kinds of fiction and media (and pointing out that it's not, objectively, too young)

    and you just proved that, first you say it's because yurio is basically a kid to you, when pointed out that you enjoy yaoi with 16 year olds, your answer is literally that you don't mind because it's mostly sex (lol wut), and that it's okay because they do it with other guys their age (which also isn't the case for all, i bet i could pick many from your already read list where the one guy is 18/19, a third year, while the other is 16, a first year), even tho you yourself said that the age difference isn't what bothered you that much, but yurio's age itself.

    then suddenly, it's all about otabek being officially an adult, and yurio being a minor, and not the age difference or their age anymore, which is rather dumb in itself because being adult or a minor is, in this case, nothing more as a terminology associated with being 18+. like i said, in japan, both are seen as minors. i also don't know how it is for greece, but most countries have a rule for age differences, usually around 3-4 years is fine, so that exactly this situation isn't illegal, because factually, despite what you feel, it IS normal and happens quite a lot that teenagers go out with 18/19 olds. (i honestly don't even get why you find it so strange, if you find 15 years old so childish, you should be aware that most girls go through puberty before most boys go, so they usually go out with older, more mature guys) the whole discussion with yurio's age started on tumblr by US people who have really fucked up laws in that regard, 18-17 could be seen as statutory rape in some states, so they felt it was really a big deal (again only in case of yurio though? has anyone ever twisted their panties about eren and levi? lol)

    so at the end of the day, why you (and others) feel so guilty if it's yurio, but are fine in other cases, still is a mystery to me. and also where that prude thinking comes from. if you feel bad about it in one case, it really doesn't make much sense to not feel the same way for all the other ones. that was my point, and still is.

    however, i would've stopped commenting already, but i have a problem with your wording, 'with 15 you're a kid', 'no one in their right mind', 'we in greece', because that isn't an personal opinion anymore, you're stating your opinion as an fact, and on top of that, you're speaking for over 10 million people or all people. it is clear that most of greece disagrees, because otherwise, the age of consent wouldn't be 15. your friends opinion is also overshadowed by, what i already pointed out, the age differences that in most cases has to be crossed for it to be an illegal act. so while you can feel that way, like i already pointed out, don't act like it's the normal, logical and popular belief, because it's none of those.

    (i also doubt that it's the most sexual active country in the world, apart from the shady study, it was published by a german newspaper that isn't popular for the truth in any context, and considering the relationship between germany and greece, that you all are supposedly fucking instead of working maybe isn't what you want to be proud of in that context. but whatever)

    ❁❁❁ Kristi ❁❁❁ May 3, 2018 6:13 pm
    the point of the conversation was that i do not get the reasoning nor double standard behind people saying yurio is so young, while they are completely fine with it in other kinds of fiction and media (and poin... lia

    "I do feel the same way with other yaoi that have such young protagonist","I guess I don't mind those because it's mostly sex and both of the mcs are the same age","and honestly I haven't even watched most of the animes that I've read the djs of".I never said that I enjoy sex between 16 year olds I was referring to innocent high school romances when I said cute and refreshing,stories that portray more emotions than sex.As for djs I just said that I don't pay much attention and that's because I don't know their ages I only know that Eren is young,because I've watched the anime and I still feel the same way.I've read many aot djs and I'll probably read more Yuri×Otabek,I'm not thrilled about their age but I'm aware that it's just fiction hence the "KINDA feel guilty".

     I don't mind the age gap between them,I've made it obvious that it was because one of them is an adult.In Japan they are both minors and that's why I said that I have a different mindset I don't know how I'd feel if I had grown up in Japan.Then you mentioned that the age of consent in my country is 15 and I'm telling you my personal experience being hellenic.It might be the law,but it's not socially acceptable.Sure we don't go crazy over it,but many find it weird and wrong and believe it or not many assume that the age of consent is 18 here.Obviously I'm not speaking for all of us,I even stated that I have a friend with a 15 year old girlfriend.I don't even know about that Tumblr conversation so I don't  have much to say,other than my opinion isn't just based on Yurio,I feel the same way when it comes to movies etc.

    "Fucking instead of working" how can I even take you seriously after that?Nice brainwashing you have there,greeks are very hard working people and it's honestly saddening that so many believe everything that hear from the media.I am very proud to be Greek and not because of our sex drive.I am proud,because of our history,the ancient civilisation,our courage,even know I am proud for our language,our values,our smart and educated people.I am proud that we can smile through hardships,so yeah I am proud that we're fucking instead of working,because even if we CAN'T always find stable jobs we are not miserable.

     I feel that this has gone too far and since we both want to stop replying let's just agree to disagree.

    ❁❁❁ Kristi ❁❁❁ May 3, 2018 9:07 pm

    "I do feel the same way with other yaoi that have such young protagonist","I guess I don't mind those because it's mostly sex and both of the mcs are the same age","and honestly I haven't even watched most of the animes that I've read the djs of".I never said that I enjoy sex between 16 year olds I was referring to innocent high school romances when I said cute and refreshing, stories that portray more emotions than sex.As for djs I just said that I don't pay much attention and that's because I don't know their ages I only know that Eren is young, because I've watched the anime and I still feel the same way.I've read many aot djs and I'll probably read more Yuri×Otabek, I'm not thrilled about their age but I'm aware that it's just fiction hence the "KINDA feel guilty".

    I don't mind the age gap between them, I've made it obvious that it was because one of them is an adult.In Japan they are both minors and that's why I said that I have a different mindset I don't know how I'd feel if I had grown up in Japan.Then you mentioned that the age of consent in my country is 15 and I'm telling you my personal experience being hellenic.It might be the law, but it's not socially acceptable.Sure we don't go crazy over it, but many find it weird and wrong and believe it or not many assume that the age of consent is 18 here.Obviously I'm not speaking for all of us, I even stated that I have a friend with a 15 year old girlfriend.I don't even know about that Tumblr conversation so I don't have much to say, other than my opinion isn't just based on Yurio, I feel the same way when it comes to movies etc.

    "Fucking instead of working" how can I even take you seriously after that?Nice brainwashing you have there, greeks are very hard working people and it's honestly saddening that so many believe everything that hear from the media.I am very proud to be Greek and not because of our sex drive.I am proud, because of our history, the ancient civilisation, our courage, even know I am proud for our language, our values, our smart and educated people.I am proud that we can smile through hardships, so yeah I am proud that we're fucking instead of working, because even if we CAN'T always find stable jobs we are not miserable.

    I feel that this has gone too far and since we both want to stop replying let's just agree to disagree. (I messed up the text before so I had to fix it)

    lia May 3, 2018 11:54 pm

    but that's exactly the point, you don't seem to. i cannot believe you when you say you 'read it for the refreshing romance', no offence, we are all yaoi lovers here, but you have tons of pure smut, even somewhat fetish/''hardcore'' (for mangago standards), stuff in your already read + the other lists, so you obviously DO enjoy the sex. so while you still can enjoy innocent stories, all those i was referring to are anything BUT that. now you can say you don't care about their age because you weren't aware, but let's be honest, even w/o knowing the material, you see them in high school uniforms all the fricking time. i mean duh. so it's more of ignoring than not knowing. now you can say that you don't like that fact about it, but it's a little bit like eating sausage but saying you dislike it that there is meat aka dead animals in there, i mean, it IS a sausage. reading a smut DJ involving 16 y/o but saying that you preferred them not being that age is kinda ??? especially since there are millions of stories NOT involving teens, it comes off as hypocritical.

    it also doesn't change much that you can't find this sort of comment (even upvoted) at all those mangas, so while you may claim that you feel like that about all those stories, the majority sure as hell doesn't. and i really ask you, honestly, would you or have you left this kind of comment under any of other stories you read?

    the only other comment on mangago i remember of you was under 19 days and it was some sort of bottom he tian comment (bc i can't see how anyone can see mo topping him, but other topic) given that they are mostly in middle school in nearly all we see in that comic...well, i think you can see why i do not really believe you when you talk about how you feel like that in all the stories. because fantasizing/speculating/whatever about middle schoolers having sex in a fictional story but complaining if an 18 year old adult goes out with one in fiction and feeling 'guilty', well ya know, it's a hard concept to grasp. i mean would someone really uncomfortable with the thought of middle schoolers having sex leave that kind of comment?

    and yeah i know it's frowned upon in the countryside and remote areas, but doesn't mean that that's a good thing. nor has it ever stopped any generation anywhere from doing it despite, just leads to more problems. and you should read what i wrote more carefully, what i was saying is that a newspaper on par with the sun badmouthing the greeks all the time may isn't the source and the newspaper you want to pride yourself with, because whether it's true or not (and i go for not here), they sure as hell didn't have a positive intent with publishing that. i was criticizing that newspaper and the study not greece.

    ❁❁❁ Kristi ❁❁❁ May 4, 2018 12:25 pm
    but that's exactly the point, you don't seem to. i cannot believe you when you say you 'read it for the refreshing romance', no offence, we are all yaoi lovers here, but you have tons of pure smut, even somewha... lia

    I really didn't mean to imply that I don't enjoy the sex,but I don't think that I've read djs with many 15 year olds.Also,believe it or not most of what is in my already read list are kind of trash,more than half of it is disgusting and some others leave me uninterested (just to be clear when I say disgusting I don't necessary mean the smut part) so I'd appreciate it if you didn't base your opinion on the things that I've read.I can tell that they are in high school but they look old so I assume that they are about 17,come on the guys from kuroko no basuke DON'T look like 15 years olds and if they are ...well that'd be a huge surprise.15 and 16 are not the same since 15 is where I personally draw the line and even then I said that I'd probably read them since it's just fiction,while I do feel kind of uncomfortable it's not like I'm angry.
    As for the majority of people I can't take responsibility for them and if you actually want my honest opinion aot is the same for me and even worse.I remember that once I even had a minor agruement with a girl who loved the Ereri ship and as for me that's the reason I prefer Erwin with Levi.I really don't want to come off as a hypocrite,because I'll most likely read nore Ereri djs and YurixOtabek ones,I feel uncomfortable because I associate the stories with reality,but I know that they're fiction so I don't care enough to stop reading.The only djs that I can agree with the protagonists looking young are the ones from haikyu and I doubt that there are a lot of smutty djs with them out there,I'm pretty sure that I've read some but again they are the same age and I think that they are 16+(?).
    While there are a lot of yaoi mangas on this site I've read more than 2.000 mangas so I am kind of running out of options when it comes to good bl.I honestly read many djs,because they don't take much of my time (maybe 5-10 minutes).I remeber my comment on 19 days,but that is shounen ai and my comment was on a recent chapter,aren't they 17 by now?I don't see why you think I lied on this topic?Why on earth would I say that I feel KIND of guilty and not believe it?
    I'm not talking about the countryside I only know what's happening in the city,you can feel free to disagree and like I wrote before feel free to ask around if you ever visit us.15 year olds having sex with adults is something that I definitely don't find good for different reasons,you can have your opinion it doesn't affect me at all.I referenced that study to imply that we are not prudes we just have different opinions about minors(by we I mean Greeks and yes not every Greek person) anyway I don't think that it matters since it was a misunderstanding,I really love my country,I'm fairly patriotic so I guess that is why I was upset and with your previous comment about my country's future I lost my track of thought.
    Like I said before,this has gone way too far and at the end of the day we're different people with different opinions.I doubt that this conversation will help us in any way so there is no point in continuing.