*laughs creepily* What a nice way to start off the day ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†

Ciel April 23, 2018 1:01 pm

*laughs creepily*
What a nice way to start off the day

    No*Bikaru April 23, 2018 1:41 pm

    Our childrenn yeah, they grow up fast but that gets the better out of us, I love it and yeah I have

    One time Taeyi says he gets turned on and they kiss in the classroom.

    Ciel April 23, 2018 3:02 pm
    Our childrenn yeah, they grow up fast but that gets the better out of us, I love it and yeah I have CHECK OUT WHATS BELOW!One time Taeyi says he gets turned on and they kiss in the classroom. No*Bikaru

    ฮต=ฮต=(ใƒŽโ‰งโˆ‡โ‰ฆ)ใƒŽ ฮต=ฮต=(ใƒŽโ‰งโˆ‡โ‰ฆ)ใƒŽ