I'm asexual and we asexuals don't get enough representation. It's always about gays and bi...

Anonymous April 22, 2018 3:12 am

I'm asexual and we asexuals don't get enough representation. It's always about gays and bisexuals. Let's not forget how hated we are by those two same groups. I'm as oppressed as gay and bisexual people. Most importantly, asexuals are LGBT and we should add an A to LGBT that stands for us. I might be cis and a bit attracted to the opposite sex, but I'm asexual thus oppressed and LGBT because I have a different sexual orientation.#AsexualsareLGBT #Asexualpride

    HamesTheJames April 22, 2018 4:25 am
    I am not a troll i actually contribute to the community by giving links to Can't take My Eyes Off You and My Starry Sky, if you look at my account i am very active it is a bit rude to think that an overreacted ... HamesTheJames

    wait wait i think im a fucking idiot you are the troll right? i feel so fucking dumb

    HamesTheJames April 22, 2018 4:26 am
    Yeah I know, you can make a good asexual character but what I'm saying is that their asexuality wouldn't really be that important. NyukNyukMeowBitch

    ye i know i was going off topic

    pigglypoof April 22, 2018 4:32 am
    wait wait i think im a fucking idiot you are the troll right? i feel so fucking dumb HamesTheJames

    Trollodyte was referring to the chizaman anon, not to you.

    NyukNyukMeowBitch April 22, 2018 4:34 am

    Oh and by the way, I see you deleted that post once I called you out for faking it, (this person created a separate post, posing as someone else, posting insults about asexuals all in an effort to create shit). Don't give this person the time of day, they just want to try and create a non issue just so they have something to bitch about. I have a pic but it won't let me post a pic, by the way, the post was made after this one and both this poster and the fake poster were anonymous.

    Anonymous April 22, 2018 4:35 am

    ...why are u guys fighting about this in a manga page? ^^"

    HamesTheJames April 22, 2018 4:36 am

    ah i feel so dumb that i fed a troll thanks guys

    Sakura-Senpai April 22, 2018 4:38 am

    Asexuals are important because I am somewhat one. But; Just because you are not attracted to any gender/sex or you just don't care doesn't mean you can be lumped up with everyone else. The people who bully you are stupid arrogate ppeople who dont understand anything, I may not be LBGT or trans but I do understand struggles as a Asexula because I do not horbor feelings for any gender nor do I want to. If you need someone to talk to then chat with me~ I am always happy to help people and make new friends <3

    pigglypoof April 22, 2018 4:40 am
    Oh and by the way, I see you deleted that post once I called you out for faking it, (this person created a separate post, posing as someone else, posting insults about asexuals all in an effort to create shit).... NyukNyukMeowBitch

    Wasn't the other post from an anon as well? I thought anons cannot delete their posts? I think the post was probably downvoted to hell and removed

    NyukNyukMeowBitch April 22, 2018 4:42 am
    Asexuals are important because I am somewhat one. But; Just because you are not attracted to any gender/sex or you just don't care doesn't mean you can be lumped up with everyone else. The people who bully you... Sakura-Senpai

    Yo, this person is a troll (refer to my previous reply), just wanted to warn you.

    pigglypoof April 22, 2018 4:42 am
    ...why are u guys fighting about this in a manga page? ^^" @Anonymous

    Because fighting ignorance and spreading knowledge is good.

    NyukNyukMeowBitch April 22, 2018 4:43 am
    Wasn't the other post from an anon as well? I thought anons cannot delete their posts? I think the post was probably downvoted to hell and removed pigglypoof

    How fast was that tho? It was up for like a minute or 2, it was almost instantly deleted once I called them out.

    NyukNyukMeowBitch April 22, 2018 4:44 am
    Wasn't the other post from an anon as well? I thought anons cannot delete their posts? I think the post was probably downvoted to hell and removed pigglypoof

    Just sayin, it seemed super sus, either way, pretty sure it was made by the same dude just to start shit.

    pigglypoof April 22, 2018 4:45 am
    How fast was that tho? It was up for like a minute or 2, it was almost instantly deleted once I called them out. NyukNyukMeowBitch

    It did disappear pretty fast. I thought it was an anon for sure, but there's really no way for us to find out now that the post is gone.

    NyukNyukMeowBitch April 22, 2018 4:48 am
    It did disappear pretty fast. I thought it was an anon for sure, but there's really no way for us to find out now that the post is gone. pigglypoof

    I have a pic, though it's just a screen shot of my notifications, I'll post it somehow.

    Yandere chan April 22, 2018 4:50 am
    Wasn't the other post from an anon as well? I thought anons cannot delete their posts? I think the post was probably downvoted to hell and removed pigglypoof

    Anon can delete their own post actually,if it is made by themselves . :).

    NyukNyukMeowBitch April 22, 2018 4:52 am
    It did disappear pretty fast. I thought it was an anon for sure, but there's really no way for us to find out now that the post is gone. pigglypoof

    Here's the pic: https://fullysweetbouquetstuff.tumblr.com/post/173180364415/the-entire-post-is-the-title-this-is-honestly

    Sol April 22, 2018 4:54 am

    Hate to say this but asexuals don't really have it hard compared to homosexuals and bisexuals. Homosexuals are punished by law and bisexuals would punished by law if they are caught with a same sex partner even if they like the opposite sex. We would just be asked "why don't you like sex?" and other question about how sex is good or something etc. I think of sex as nothing but optional plus if you want asexual themed stories, go read fanfics, there are more there than in manga.

    It's horrible for you to compare our predicament to them and say asexuals have it worse when its not that true, the LGBT gets hated on more. You could merely read shounen ai/shoujo ai manga since its basically sex free if you want the romance side.

    I like to say this that as someone who is questioning their sexuality that I read manga for the romance and seeing them having sex if merely a bonus, sometimes I even skip them if I'm not interested.

    pigglypoof April 22, 2018 4:59 am
    Anon can delete their own post actually,if it is made by themselves . :). Yandere chan

    Wait, really? I never knew that Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)
    Thanks for the info!

    Anonymous April 22, 2018 5:00 am
    I'm ace and I agree with everything. Acephobia needs to stop. Gay, bi and trans people are a pain in the ass. They are part of our oppressors. @chizaman

    you do know that trans is not a sexual orientation right? you do know trans people go through the same oppression ace people do and may have it worse? yeah it sucks cause no representation and I think that's shitty, but your just transphobic if you think like that

    Sol April 22, 2018 5:00 am
    no. Create your own community instead of trying to fit in one that is obviously not for you. Idk why yall try so hard and so bad to fit in a community that actually gets persecuted. Seems like asexuals just wan... Twink b

    Hey I don't know why you say this but that's not nice to say to someone. I'm panromantic and possibly ace or demi-ace but I think of myself in the LGBT+. People who don't conform to society's standard of straight tend to fall into LGBT+ community for understanding. Your mindset are why ace thinks they are oppressed, keep an open mind to people's sexuality even if its lacking or fluid.