
HA! that's pretty good XD i feel like the "afternoon tea party" could also be the Gossip Trio (usually rooster, dog & rabbit), cuz they're always in the mix somehow.
y'know when you said this, it reminded me of the pairings for prince of tennis (i.e. golden, perfect, platinum, dream, etc.)
SPARKLE TRIO = Horse, Monkey, Tiger
Act with air of authority, handle things business-like, look amazing in a suit
AFTERNOON TEA PARTY = Dog, Bird, Rabbit, occassionally Mouse
Hang around the house, always in the know with things going on, the go-to peepz
CHILL BROS = Sheep and Ox
They're just... chill
MYSTERY MEN = Dragon and Snake
Really strong power, turn up fom nowhere then disappear again, Complete charmers
SEX GOD = Boar