This a hard one...

Icylips April 19, 2018 4:03 am

Hey guys, I need your help yet again.Bear with me.I'm looking for this yaoi manga I know its some school setting not sure if its high school or uni.Anyway the guy was walking and on his cellphone not paying attention when he bumped into this other guy named Sakura.The next day Sakura finds him at school pulls him into a classroom then kisses him.Or it might be the other way around,Im not sure :( I'm sure its not Umeya-kun no Haru.
Please help

    MikuOnIce April 19, 2018 4:05 am

    The only one that comes to my mind is Sign Language, but i'ts a manhwa

    pangako sayooooooo April 19, 2018 4:22 am I thought of this since the mc’s name is Sakura. The difference is he’s not looking on his phone but just kind of bumped into each other

    Icylips April 19, 2018 4:39 am I thought of this since the mc’s name is Sakura. The difference is he’s not looking on his phone but just kind of bumped into each other pangako sayooooooo

    Thank you,I have been looking for a while :)