Yep, her character is coming off as the most unrealistic and immature. Why, well she's a woman in her twenties but still isn't respecting another persons space or boundaries. She knows YuYang is gay, but probably thinks she can turn him straight and in love with her. It was so rude of her to say to him "are you actually gay" just because she hasn't seen him with a male partner. For a grown woman to say such a thing was ridiculous.

Indeed. They are both adults and she should be old enough to know how to respect another's space and give them time alone to think and get on with work instead of pestering them for attention like a child. Also, she made a really homophobic remark whilst they were at the coffee shop which gives you an insight into her motivations. Basically she can't accept he is gay so is rather than act like a respectful friend she pesters him like a young kid who has a crush. YuYang, has no personal space in his dorm as he has to share it with 3 other men. Therefore his time to sit by himself and reflect is extremely limited, he's always surrounded by others due to his role as an advisor to first years. So can you imagine, after the recent drama which he feels down about he finally has some time to himself, and is busying himself with work then she comes in and starts getting in his space pestering him for attention then patronises him as though he was a baby "take a nap after lunch" wtf.

Hope u sluts bitch whores just fucking die

What's wrong is that she is being way too pushy and this is not me talking you can clearly see by YuYang's reaction when he "violently" pulls his arms away when se grabs it. This has nothing to do with being a guy or a girl I've experiencied this in my real life it was really hard for me to suddenly say to the girl "please leave me alone" instead I kept enduring it for sometime cause I didnt want to act like a bad and rude guy just like YuYang is doing till she gave up even tho Ive already reject her. That girl called YuYang in the middle of the night while he was hanging out with his friend asking him to "carry things" for her even tho there wasnt anything heavy to carry my point is she knows he is gay he already reject her and yet she keeps pushing and pushing . He likes guys she is a girl she knows this so just move on she is not 12 years old. Being in love with someone does not give you the right to be puhsy because when you're pushy you dont respect other people bounderies. "YuYang don't you wanna come hung out with us?" He says NO he clrearly is in a bad mood he wants to be alone yet even after his answer she grabs his arm and try to force him to come He refuses again and she asks him once more. If this is not being puhsy I don't know what it is. Clearly she is not respecting his bounderies at all. I've been thro this and its really annoying. Its a really difficult situation because you know the other person really likes and cares about you so even tho their behavior is being unplesant you can't say it out loud cause hurting someone that likes you sounds like a bad thing to do so you just go along cause there is no other better way. Btw I like grils company (not in the sexual way) better than guys just so you know they never bother me in real life nor in yaoi unless of course they have an unplesant behavior so I'm by no means sexist nor mysoginistic.

Sexist?? Lol no you are extremely mistaken, as I pride myself on being a VERY strong feminist. In response to what is wrong with her behavior, excuse me as I mean mindset. Any adult should know when not to pursue someone if they do not identify with a sexuality they aren't compatible with. Any grown adult should know. Also, since you say sexist imagine a male adult tries to pursue an out of the closet lesbian or tries to make her like him? It is just immature. I say this about the woman as I believe she is trying to get YuYang to fancy her, which is just stupid, you can't deny that. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Indeed. People seem to be forgetting just how inappropriate and childish her behaviour has been so far. They are all adults in their twenties. When they were at the coffee shop she asked him if he "really was gay" just because she hasn't seen him in a relationship. If a man were to ask a woman who was lesbian if she was lying about her sexual orientation just because she hasn't had a partner or because he hasn't seen her with anyone, then spends the rest of the time they have together trying to flirt with him and try's to get him to dote on her, that guy would be behaving like a pain in the arse too and deserve criticism just as she is getting.
There are lots of occasions where she has over stepped the boundaries, such as calling him out at night as if there was a big emergency, when really it was to carry things. Something that she could have managed herself.

::rolls eyes:: you're overreacting to a character that has not done anything harmful to the MC. chill they're college students (probably in their late teens); they're figuring their shit out like I did when I was that age.
and what the fuck does it mean to be a "strong feminist"? as if saying that gives you more credibility? that made me laugh.

Lmao. Okay now it is time for you to chill tf out. I stated I am a very strong feminist as in my beliefs are firm and I took offense that you believe I would have a sexist view. I did not say anything about more or less credibility, just that you were incorrect about me. So please cut that bullshit out alrighty :)? Also, I do not believe I am the one overreacting in this situation. I wrote an opinionated COMMENT in the COMMENT section and you decided to respond... I didn't even state I disliked the character, I just believe she is being naive if her intentions are to make Yu Yang romantically interested. (WHICH WAS A PREDICTION) I honestly do not understand why you are trying to start beef on a manga site lol. Chill out and stop this mk? It was a comment, no need to be upset :)! ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

lol it's so funny how your reply is so full of pointless self-righteousness and anger. this discussion has completely left on a tangent, and you've made a mountain of a mole hill. I've already expressed why I disagree with you, and why I believe you and a few other immature readers are overreacting to a chara that simply want to be there for a man she like AND is also friends with. So there's no point for me to repeat myself ;)
I'll leave you to discuss (or better said, shred a character that we barely know.. you seem to enjoy that) with other like-minded people. I have better things to do with my time, like read other mangas lol & chat with cool people that at least try to be objective in understanding characters they may not be initially fond of.
bye girl bye.

Well said she indeed is TRYING to be a friend too bad she is failing misarebly.
1- Yuyang is having fun with friends in the middle of the night, she calls him out of nowhere to hang out with her instead
2- She asks Yuyang why he doenst have a boyfriend. What kind of question is that? To everyone that actually is trying to find a boy/girlfriend this is just a heartless question.
3-Yuyang is having fun with a hot guy at the pool (she has eyes she knows the guy is handsome) than she calls Yuyang to go hang out with her god knows where maybe thats why he doesnt have a boyfriend with a cockblocker friend like that its really hard to achieve. Would you come in between your guy friend talking to a hot chick? or your girl friend talking to a hot guy? Hell no !!! this is just common sense specially when you know they single and looking for a partner. She only does this because to her this is not beneficial.
4- Yuyang is sulking alone she asks him to hang out with her again he says no
5- She grabs him forcefully and asks him once more he pulls his arm away clearly upset
6- She tells him to talk a nap after lunching, lol. Is she his mom?
If you'd like to have a "friend" like that oh boy maybe our conception of friendship is really different. To me she is just being annoying and pushy even tho I know she really does all this with best intentions sometimes best intentions doesnt mean anything. I only wish she stop "trying" to be a good friend even tho we all now her real intetions is to be his girlfriend and let our poor boy breathe a little. She is just suffocating him.
I usually don't hate female characters in yaoi but PLEASE someone remove that girl from this manhwa pleaaaaaseeee. She is a GOOD GIRL I get it but she keeps getting more pages than the seme she had 2 or 3 chapters entirely for her she also was the one that interrupted our so long waited pool episode by pulling YuYang away wich led to all this misunderstanding. Cant she just be a good girl somewhere else?? PLeaaaaseee I BEG you I'm at my wits end!!! Also ty for translating keep up the good work (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ kissu