I don't give AF that he's sick lol

Hwim16 April 17, 2018 5:37 pm

Am I the only person who doesn't care that the seme is suffering? I personally am delighted with his deserved suffering lol. Keep suffering lol. I know the author is going to have Shinobu forgive him, but at least she made Kou's ass miserable before they reunite.

    Yaoizier April 17, 2018 6:37 pm

    I fully agree, I also like how the uke didnt go for what he said after the seme realized he liked him. I was like "Karma's a b*tch isn't it?"

    iamb April 18, 2018 4:43 am

    yes, one of the rare times the mistreated walks away healthfully and the arrogant abuser suffers awhile. That's why I love this one so much

    Anonymous April 23, 2018 6:32 pm

    I feel like those holding pitchforks.. with horns.. shouting MORE! SUFFER MORE!!! MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! while fires are burning at the background.. (☆▽☆)