Good luck

matcha April 17, 2018 5:49 am

Kyungsuk getting triggered by "friend", lolol. I was worried that he wouldn't be able to ask about the movies, but he pulled through!! (ノ≧∇≦)ノ FIGHTING!

    Lycoris.Lili April 17, 2018 12:26 pm

    I thought that pretentious, attention-whore, wicked little tramp would get in the way by asking Mirae to go with her or asking Kyungsuk, but yay! Well done. phew. [P.s. I am also loling at his friendzoned PTSD]

    matcha April 18, 2018 4:33 am
    I thought that pretentious, attention-whore, wicked little tramp would get in the way by asking Mirae to go with her or asking Kyungsuk, but yay! Well done. phew. [P.s. I am also loling at his friendzoned PTSD] Lycoris.Lili

    His friendzoned PSTD, lolol. He looks like a playboy (Mirae's first impression), but is so new to having a crush that it's adorable. He has this panicked expression of "why am I like this", hahaha.

    Ugh, nobody likes Sooah. There are hints that her behavior has a backstory, but trauma doesn't excuse underhanded bullshit.