The lines "Can't you please just love me right now?" "Inside that boundary" "Let me" blew ...

I'm in too many fandoms help April 16, 2018 7:30 pm

The lines "Can't you please just love me right now?" "Inside that boundary" "Let me" blew me away. How simple these lines seem, until you look into them with kanggo's perspective. To me it seemed like he had slowly and steadily up to this point in time fallen in love with kamin's presence. He could just walk away and go as kamin was emitting a scent of fear which he despised, but instead he screamed out "Can't you please just love me right now?" signifying how attached he had become to kamin's love and care towards him over time. And that's beautiful. Even when the scent of fear that he despised was there, all he wanted was kamin to love him again.
I love each and every bit of this and honestly words are merely a way of communication that cannot convey the beauty that this scene has blessed us with.

    I'm in too many fandoms help April 17, 2018 9:17 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! KenGoldenTree

    Ah! Thanks for your compliment! I really really loved your analysis of Kamin (from a previous comment you had made) and how beautifully you had portrayed it. I never thought that such a well thought and analytical paraphrase would be found in the comment section of a comic! I'm happy that you liked my small little paragraph :D

    I'm in too many fandoms help April 17, 2018 4:15 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! KenGoldenTree

    My analytical skills are nothing compared to yours! I really really loved your previous comment here and would love to see more of your analysis! :D
    I'm honestly really happy that you'd consider reading my opinion!

    According to me at least, it's true that kanggo begging to kamin to love him could be interpreted as his desperation for a good smell but the lines after that, "Inside that boundary" "Let me" indicate that not only was he desperate for a good smell but also to get closer to kamin. It seemed like in the earlier chapters Kanggo believed that he was inside the kamin's boundary and was the closest one of all to kamin. Later he came to understand that he wasn't in it and that kamin had created a boundary that separated kamin and the rest of the world. That scene looked like kanggo was more desperate break that boundary between him and kamin than him being desperate for a good smell. If he was just desperate for a good smell and cared only about that he would've never mentioned wanting to be inside the boundary. (I hope this makes sense. I sometimes can't get my feelings and thoughts into words)

    I'd love to hear your opinion too on this considering how in-depth you can get! Thanks again for the compliment, it made me really happy :D

    Anonymous April 17, 2018 5:38 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! KenGoldenTree

    I hope you don't mind I interrupt this conversation even though the question isn't for me. I honestly thought the same at one point feeling like Kanggo likes Kamin for the lovely "scent" he gives off towards him. Especially as they don't know each other THAT well yet but then I realized maybe Kanggo was happy to yeah experience a nice smell but also appreciate that someone loved him so much? He's so used to experiencing negativity and horrible smells emitting from the negative feelings it was just nice to have that change. I do hope it's actually him as a person he's in love with <3

    I'm in too many fandoms help April 17, 2018 6:30 pm
    I hope you don't mind I interrupt this conversation even though the question isn't for me. I honestly thought the same at one point feeling like Kanggo likes Kamin for the lovely "scent" he gives off towards hi... @Anonymous

    No worries! Sharing your opinion, point of view and character analysis is always appreciated! :D
    And Yes, I couldn't agree more with you. Kanggo appreciates kamin's love towards him and according to me, I think that the fact that kanggo wants to break through the boundary between him and kamin depicts that he is unconsciously in love with kamin. He seemed desperate to get into the boundary. He was desperate to be loved fully by kamin and that's what makes that scene beautiful. All it took were 3 phrases to depict his inner emotions. The author is a genius. And well you are too to understand this!

    Anonymous April 17, 2018 7:05 pm
    No worries! Sharing your opinion, point of view and character analysis is always appreciated! :DAnd Yes, I couldn't agree more with you. Kanggo appreciates kamin's love towards him and according to me, I think ... @I'm in too many fandoms help

    I love you analytical people! I know you guys would be great at English (like I said before to KenGoldenTree haha) and good at writing stories. And why thank you! I admire the creativity in you guys and by the way you two write I know you have imaginative and great minds.

    I'm in too many fandoms help April 18, 2018 9:11 am
    I love you analytical people! I know you guys would be great at English (like I said before to KenGoldenTree haha) and good at writing stories. And why thank you! I admire the creativity in you guys and by the ... @Anonymous

    Aww, that's really sweet of you! But at the same time you're undermining yourself. I loved the creativity and thought process behind your post as well! Understanding that not only Kamin but also Kanggo is surrounded by negativity and disgusting smells even though his family is amazing is not child's play. You have to analyse his reactions and his background story. He must've fell in love with Kamin's presence and love towards him unconsciously.
    You have an amazing great imaginative mind too! :D
    I really am gald I wrote this comment. I wasn't sure about posting it. But I got to see 2 amazing people's point of views, one being KenGoldenTree's and the other being yours. I hope we can discuss more about characters and their complex personalities in the coming future!

    Anonymous April 18, 2018 9:57 am
    Aww, that's really sweet of you! But at the same time you're undermining yourself. I loved the creativity and thought process behind your post as well! Understanding that not only Kamin but also Kanggo is surro... @I'm in too many fandoms help

    You guys are awesome man! Its so kind of you say that and it's nice to be appreciated. Really honestly thank you

    I'm in too many fandoms help April 18, 2018 10:57 am
    You guys are awesome man! Its so kind of you say that and it's nice to be appreciated. Really honestly thank you @Anonymous

    No need to thank me! Honestly, I should thank you for expressing your opinion and making me understand our two main characters more! You deserve to be appreciated :D
    I, from the bottom of my heart, hope that we'll talk again some time later as I love these kinds of discussions, and because I've met another great analyser that is you!

    Anonymous April 18, 2018 8:02 pm
    No need to thank me! Honestly, I should thank you for expressing your opinion and making me understand our two main characters more! You deserve to be appreciated :DI, from the bottom of my heart, hope that we'... @I'm in too many fandoms help

    Seriously you seem like a good dang friend in real life! You're absolutely brilliant and let me tell you you'll go far in life. I believe so. I was also wondering haha I know this is irrelevant but im planning on cutting my hair short like tomboyish style and I was planning on going for these hairstyles., These are just part of the collection of hairstyles
    That I'm going for as most of them are saved to my camera roll. What do you think? Also Yes I would love to talk some time later as I love these discussions as well! I love that you guys dig deep and put your own thoughts into the stories.

    Anonymous April 18, 2018 8:04 pm
    Seriously you seem like a good dang friend in real life! You're absolutely brilliant and let me tell you you'll go far in life. I believe so. I was also wondering haha I know this is irrelevant but im planning ... @Anonymous

    Btw on both links it's only the first one that pops up in going for. Just in case I confuse you which ones I'm going for haha.

    I'm in too many fandoms help April 19, 2018 4:08 pm
    Seriously you seem like a good dang friend in real life! You're absolutely brilliant and let me tell you you'll go far in life. I believe so. I was also wondering haha I know this is irrelevant but im planning ... @Anonymous

    Thanks a lot for saying that! In real life I'm really really shy and have like only a couple of friends, it made me really happy that you feel so about me! You're an amazingly brilliant person as well who's made my day (which went pretty horribly to be honest) more brighter and happier! Thanks a lot :D
    And I personally love those hairstyles! I don't really know much about fashion and stuff but I too love short tomboyish hairstyles (I have one too!) as they look great and are easy to maintain!
    Just one bit of advice on this, if people criticise your hairstyle and tell that you'd look better with longer hair as girls should be pretty and girlish, don't mind them. As a girl and another human being I say that one must be the way they want to. The tomboyish hairstyle looks magnificent and is easy to maintain as well. It's a great choice!
    I'd love to talk more as you're also one of the people that have amazingly understood the meanings and thoughts behind stories!

    Anonymous April 19, 2018 7:31 pm
    Thanks a lot for saying that! In real life I'm really really shy and have like only a couple of friends, it made me really happy that you feel so about me! You're an amazingly brilliant person as well who's mad... @I'm in too many fandoms help

    Thank you so much for replying. Also thanks for the advice ! :)) This is funny TBH because I also had an awful day DX I'd love to talk more as well! You're so sweet and im sure those couple of friends of yours are super grateful and lucky to have you :) I only have a couple of friends as well and TBH I just felt like crap today I feel really happy you replied. If you want we can talk on tumblr :) My tumblr is BlakeSphere. Tbh I feel like cutting my hair short will really help me so I'm honestly excited. I'm also kinda shy as well but I can be a complete weirdo and odd specimen when I want to haha.