I'm sure there are also boys, in minority.
The romance and drama likely disinterest the boys. Men, gay or straight, don't seem to need that in their porn like girls do.
There is less "I can't share my feelings because they're so hard to say" and more "I slew the dragon now you're mine. Let's bang." The love interest is a reward for accomplishing a task in male fiction. (I.e. Dragonballz or Naruto or Bleach hardly focus on the love stuff for more than a chapter or two).
The main consumers of BL are always women, and they demand their romance and drama. The industry wants to sell stuff, so girls get what girls want.
In other words, yeah, it's mostly girls. Written mostly by women, for women.
I mean there is some guys who likes yaoi and bl (im one of them, so wow proof) but from what ive seen in the gay community, its mostly disliked. I used to read whatever but as i grew up i started to dislike most cliche from yaoi mangas.
I like some, but i have to say that the overdrama is startint to get a bit too much in most and i absolutely hate the uke/seme stereotype.
Overall, i think the reason why most gay men hate yaoi is because it kinda put us as a fetiche story for girls and depicts our relationships and hardship as something sexy. Ive heard girls (fujoshi i think ?) says that it was sexy for a gay man to struggle with his feeling if it meant that it would create some conflict or wathever.
I do like yaoi with romance but yeah, some things are getting old and im picky haha
Hope it helps !
I completly agree with you, you explained it perfectly. And I don't like the uke/seme stereotype at all either, at the beginning I used to follow it though because I didn't know much about the lgbt community anyways. Now, I don't understand why people get angry at stuff like that, it's nonsense. Also, the way they portray the few girls that appear in most of yaoi mangas is unhealthy too, like a lot of them are evil and in the way of the relationship.
I know that this is off topic but r girls the only ones who read yaoi ( ̄へ ̄ ) ?