
FudanshiPsycho100! April 14, 2018 4:54 pm

It was a cool plot twist cause it was definitely unexpected, but I personally no longer like the story cause I am not into psychotic character type manga. so that sucks lol

    Anonymous April 14, 2018 5:51 pm

    Meaning you were into the actually psychotic characters like Daichi and Sensei and the other two rapists, before? Ktbn.

    FudanshiPsycho100! April 15, 2018 12:14 pm
    Meaning you were into the actually psychotic characters like Daichi and Sensei and the other two rapists, before? Ktbn. @Anonymous

    no, that's why i said i'm not into psychotic characters. I liked the first story in this manga but I didn't like the second, i was hoping it would get a bit better but it just got worse for me.