Everybody hating on Siwong and feeling bad for Jihna..., when at first Jinha stalked and p...

Kariky April 14, 2018 4:41 pm

Everybody hating on Siwong and feeling bad for Jihna..., when at first Jinha stalked and practically tried to force his feelings into Siwon.

Ok then xD. But I'm not rooting for anyone. For me, Jinha is too brute sometimes, knowing that Siwon is sometimes indecisive and when is being pressed ends up doing mistakes.

The chinese guy is just..., wrong.... in the head. He is like a sadistic and a devilish version of Jinha. What Jinha lacks is tact, meanwhile the chinese guy uses it for manipulation.

    Anonymous April 14, 2018 4:50 pm

    No, Shitwon was the one who kissed Jihna first when he was drunk..and he is not a kid he is an adult in his twenties..he should have seriously rejected him..if he did not liked Jihna in the first place.

    jmin April 14, 2018 4:52 pm
    No, Shitwon was the one who kissed Jihna first when he was drunk..and he is not a kid he is an adult in his twenties..he should have seriously rejected him..if he did not liked Jihna in the first place. @Anonymous

    And I want Siwon to get out of Jinha’s life now. Better late than never. Jinha deserves better.

    Kariky April 14, 2018 5:05 pm
    No, Shitwon was the one who kissed Jihna first when he was drunk..and he is not a kid he is an adult in his twenties..he should have seriously rejected him..if he did not liked Jihna in the first place. @Anonymous

    Saying Jinha brute and impositive behaviour is Siwon's fault for kissing him being drunk is not really a good reason. I-m not saying Siwon is doing things right either, I'm only saying Jinha is not a saint xD.
    Siwon has twenty+, but is like a child. He is the type of guy that pressed will say yes to ..., practically anything. Jinha knew how Siwon was, but didn't know how to treat him.

    Ayman April 14, 2018 5:13 pm

    Oh my God, I can't. Not only Jinha suffers the humiliation of being thrown under the bus by the author for the sake of some kink, the character acts like a puppy being for attention and get kicked out by Siwon ... now the Siwon defense army feels that they need to bash Jinha to justify the awful, idiotic, imbecile of a weak pussy uke who can't even grasp basic self preservation rules. Now Jinha is being dragged down so Siwon doesn't look so bad. Give me a break. The author already shit all over Jinha, now he has to be put down for the sake of Siwon looking 'not so bad.
    There is a reason everybody is 'hating on Siwon' - he is made to look beyond mentally challenged for an adult character.

    cookyluv April 14, 2018 5:58 pm

    The thing wrong with Siwon is he didn't even put up a fight. He just let an asshole who kidnapped his friend and did nothing good kiss him. Like, wth?

    Kariky April 14, 2018 8:41 pm

    I already explained I'm not in any army.
    To put it simply: Yes, Siwon is doing the retard. But before it was Jinha doing the retard and there weren´t so many "Jinha's haters".