"I'll pay you ten times the amount"

Kaleidocat April 12, 2018 9:15 am

Aww I love how He Tian responds "I'll pay you ten times the amount". It's like he thinks Mo Guan Shan has a lot of worth and holds him in high regard (not to mention helping him financially). I wonder if He Tian will slowly coax Mo with money and then Mo will actually start to develop feelings and see He Tian more than just a money provider. I imagine Mo saying something to him in the future like "It's not just your money I care about, I'm not so cheap like that blah blah blah" or "I dont just like you as a friend because of your money" <---(something liek that idk)

    MercuryAmy April 12, 2018 1:02 pm

    I love your direction of thinking. I certainly would like to see that, too.