the secret

Sylvan April 11, 2018 1:35 pm

that story "what is your secret" remained a secret til the end. But somehow I got the impression that Ryouji didn't really forget that 3 years. When it showed the part where the stalker approached him, he looked interested/curious by the fact that a guy liked him, replying "really..". He even dodged the question whether he likes guys from the start. He isn't innocent, even saying that that cafe isn't somewhere people usually wander to.

I think he had a relationship with that guy (an abusive one), actually, because how did they end up with his stalker's photo? who took him to the hospital? also, if you look at the cover of chapter 5 (the unknown hand doing the camera sign at Ryouji; only the stalker like to take photos). And then the breakup text saying "I can't do this anymore." It makes me think that he was feeling honestly guilty. I think he was in a relationship with the stalker but since he really liked Motoki, he felt guilty for deceiving him and decided to end the relationship. I think he also broke the relationship with the other guy after some time but it turned ugly, thus resulting to the accident. He cannot predict his friend's actions tho, and acted like he didn't remember anything from that 3 years because he felt disgusted with himself.

Or maybe Ryouji was just really abused, kept captive and traumatized and had become suicidal at one point, feeling disgusted with himself. Afraid for his life, running away to keep Motoki and his friend away from danger. Knowing this, Tsuyoshi wanted Ryouji to be happy again and bugged Motoki to "fix things".

    Scarlet May 26, 2018 12:03 pm

    Wow cool theory

    SugandaSu July 1, 2018 6:46 pm

    Hmmmm.. I can only think of he is a slut.

    If he got an abusive relationship, there should be a mark for motoki to find, guess what none.

    I dislike that senpai for some reason. ffs motoki deserve better.

    Mai jimin July 13, 2018 11:15 pm

    I absolutely agree with your first theory cus IM THINKING THE SAME.. That he didnt really have amnesia.. However you have enlighten us with the ending where he met the stalker cus i did havr confusion there ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶