A Monster Hiding Behind A Beautiful Heart Chris was talking on the phone with his boyfri...

AMHBABH [Repost] April 6, 2018 6:10 am

A Monster Hiding Behind A Beautiful Heart

Chris was talking on the phone with his boyfriend, Jared. They were conversing about how much they miss each other; wanting to see each other so much for they have this thing called a long distance relationship. They have been apart from one another for almost 4 years, and the reason is because Jared doesn't want to face Chris yet for he has no confidence in his looks. Chris wasn't the choosy type when it comes to relationships. Chris fell in love with Jared's personality; heartwarming and lovable. Still, Chris wants to see Jared's face for so long but didn't want to bother Jared in convincing him to show it already. He was a patient young man, that just shows how much he loves Jared. So, when Jared's parents suddenly came to visit, he was so surprised and sad at the same time. He thought he would finally see Jared but he didn't came with his parents.

Later that night at the dining room, Chris' parents and Jared's were happily talking about how much they miss one another for they were classmates during their college days. Chris was happy for them but couldn't hide his sullen expression about Jared not coming along. Jared's mother, Bertha, noticed it and finally said something that made everyone stopped in what they were doing. Chris was shocked to hear that Jared couldn't come along for he has a surprise for Chris waiting for him. Bertha gave Chris the address and keys to Jared's apartment and said that Jared finally gave them permission to tell Chris on where he should go to finally meet Jared. Bertha was happy to tell Chris that thanks to him, his son had finally gained confidence about his looks. Everyone was quiet for a second and suddenly cheered afterwards about the wonderful news. Chris and Jared will finally see each other.

Chris was looking at the window while riding in the train. He couldn't believe that he will finally meet his boyfriend after many years. Their parents were hesitant about their relationship at first because Jared isn't confident enough about his looks, but Chris made everyone calmed down when he stated that he will respect Jared's wish and patiently wait for the right time. Both of their parents finally made their relationship legal and respected one another's wish. Chris holds on to Jared's promise about meeting each other one day. He almost cried again about how happy he was feeling when the train suddenly stopped. He quickly got off and went straight to find someone and suddenly run. He went straight to the young man, about his age, with bigger physique than him, dark brown hair and green eyes, holding a paper with his whole name on it. He quickly jumped to his boyfriend's arms that made the guy almost fall out of balance. They were both so happy to see each other, especially Jared from what Chris saw in his eyes; full of love and admiration. Chris suddenly cried by Jared's words, "I never knew that seeing you in person than in our video calls and photos would be worth the wait all these years. You are gorgeous, my love."

They spent the whole week together from watching movies late at night until going on various places in Jared's current place. When Thursday night came, Chris couldn't hide his excitement from Jared so he waste no time in running down the stairs to surprise Jared from the back, washing the dishes. When Chris was about to surprise Jared, he stopped in his tracks once he got in the kitchen; Jared wasn't there. He got confused as to where he was because Jared told him that he would just quickly wash the dishes so they could watch a movie afterwards. Chris wonder around the house to find Jared when he saw the basement door was slightly open. He didn't really paid much attention at first, but got curious about the rattling noises downstairs. He was about to fully open the door when suddenly Jared came out from the basement door. Both of them were shocked by one another; Chris suddenly started laughing about the situation but quickly stopped when he noticed that Jared was not playing along with him. He was intently looking at him, when Jared finally said, "You think this is funny? Listen here. You're not allowed to go down the basement. If I caught you sneaking, something will happen that both of us will not fully enjoy." Chris didn't know what to feel that moment, he felt confused, angry and hurt at the same time. When Jared noticed Chris' reaction he suddenly came to his senses, he grabbed Chris by the arm and pulled him into Chris' bedroom. He didn't say anything and just shut the door closed; leaving Chris in shock inside his bedroom. He was so angry by Jared that he forgot about the warning and just sleep away the pain and frustration.

Later that Friday morning, he was awaken by the sound coming from just right outside, infront of his bedroom window. He quickly got up and saw Jared doing something outside. Chris being the kind type of person, let what have happened last night slide. He opened the window making Jared stopped from what his doing and saw Chris waving at him. Jared brightly smiled and shouted, "Breakfast is ready! Quickly eat those pancakes before it gets cold, my love." Chris happily replied with a goofy smile and hurriedly run downstairs to get the pancakes and a glass of orange juice. Once he got back to his bedroom, he placed the tray with his food on the bed and opened his laptop. He video called his parents and hoping that they would answer. Once the call was answered, Chris was happily greeted by Bertha and his mom. They talked for half an hour when his mom suddenly wanted to see Jared's face. Chris said that he was still busy outside so he just placed his laptop towards Jared's figure. Good thing that Jared was facing his bedroom window, minding his own business. Chris couldn't help but smile by how hot he looks just by without his shirt on. He was so lost in his own thoughts when he heard Bertha calling him back. He got back on the bed and shock to see Bertha's worried and confused expression. What Bertha said to him gave him chills all over his body. He was frozen in his place and couldn't move; "Honey, who is that outside you have shown to us? That is certainly not Jared and I don't remember him being friends with with my son."

Chris was quiet for a good couple of minutes, taking in everything what Bertha have said. When suddenly, he was surprised by Jared's hand smacking the laptop close and taking it away from him. Jared placed the laptop on top of the beside table, and quickly went beside Chris still frozen in his place on the bed. Jared hold Chris' hand, "You're also not allowed to talk to anyone but me when we're at my apartment. This is the only time we are seeing each other and you're talking with somebody else rather than me alone? I have to take away your laptop from you for today. I'll just be downstairs, I'll make your favorite cookies. Just stay here and wait for me, my love." After Jared leaving with his laptop, Chris finally took a breath. He couldn't believe what Jared have done earlier. He was scared. It took him about 5 minutes before deciding to go downstairs and sneaked to see Jared still making cookies. He was suddenly surprised by Jared's voice, "I'll forgive you this time, but don't make me force you to stay inside your bedroom. You might not like it, my love" while still mixing something inside the bowl he was holding, smiling widely, not looking at Chris that was secretly scared in hiding outside the kitchen. Chris quickly run upstairs in his bedroom and searched for his phone, he called his parents and told them everything; from looks to actions. What Bertha have said made him burst in tears, "Honey, Jared has sandy blond hair and blue eyes. Don't tell me you've been staying with that person for almost a week now? We're calling the cops. Go outside and look for a neighbor, stay with them for the meantime. We'll be there, honey. Don'--" when suddenly the door burst open.

Chris was frozen in his place seeing Jared holding a hammer. He completely smashed the lock of his bedroom door, and quickly let go of the hammer. Jared run towards Chris and held him in his arms, "My love, what did I tell you about talking to strangers inside my apartment? I won't hurt you. I promise so who was that? Mmm?" Chris couldn't move and just stayed still; slightly trembling in fear. He knows he has to stay calm and act normal, "It was just my best friend, Jessica. You know, we were just talking about girl stuff and such. We--" Jared cut him off by letting her go and picking up the phone on the bed and hammer on the floor. He smashed the phone into pieces, making Chris tremble more in fear. The calm facade he was holding in his expression can no longer be seen. "My love, you know how much I hate it when you lie." Jared suddenly pulled Chris on the living room.

While Jared was back in baking cookies that he promised, Chris was still trembling in fear. He couldn't hide his tears anymore and quietly cried. When he remembered Bertha's advice, he quietly stood up and went for the main door; it was locked. When he tried to forcefully open it, he was suddenly smacked by the head with a glass bowl. He fell on the floor and hold onto his head, feeling like everything was spinning and felt blood trickled down his face. Everything was in a haze and the last thing he saw before completely blocked out was Jared looking down at him, smiling.
"Forgive me, my love, but I have to--"

To be continued...

    ermar April 6, 2018 11:22 am

    u can write a manga...or a book