Am I the only one who hates when ppl r hateful towards Eunho and try to justify Jaeha’s ...

Blackie April 6, 2018 3:46 am

Am I the only one who hates when ppl r hateful towards Eunho and try to justify Jaeha’s actions even though he was an asshole for a long time before they break up?
And no Eunho isn’t innocent and good because only an idiot can keep chasing after someone like Jaeha who throws u away because he doesn’t want to get hurt

    Anonymous April 6, 2018 2:16 pm

    Eunho will know his faults
    No justification to becoming an ass if u CHOSE to chase someone who pushed u away ...

    Blackie April 6, 2018 2:49 pm
    Eunho will know his faults No justification to becoming an ass if u CHOSE to chase someone who pushed u away ... @Anonymous

    Yeah I know because chasing after a shitty person like Jaeha who just cares about himself and his own feelings is unjustifiable
    But that doesn’t make Jaeha a better person and doesn’t change the fact he was an asshole all the time before they break up and somehow that’s justifiable even though both of them hurt each other because of past experiences but Eunho is the only one who gets blamed
    Plus somehow ppl r forgetting to fact that JAEHA asked him what he can do because he wanted to be relieved of guilt

    Blackie April 6, 2018 3:12 pm
    Yeah I know because chasing after a shitty person like Jaeha who just cares about himself and his own feelings is unjustifiable But that doesn’t make Jaeha a better person and doesn’t change the fact he was... Blackie


    Anonymous April 6, 2018 6:51 pm
    Yeah I know because chasing after a shitty person like Jaeha who just cares about himself and his own feelings is unjustifiable But that doesn’t make Jaeha a better person and doesn’t change the fact he was... Blackie

    I don't call someone shitty just cause he pushed someone he loves away , that is not how shitty works , especially if he did it for the other person too (will be explained in next chapters )

    Kyu14 April 6, 2018 7:26 pm

    Do you really need for people to hate Jaeha that much?
    no one that likes Jaeha is gonna tell you he's a good guy, we all know he's a shit. You can still like him as a character tho and want for him to find happiness and get better.

    Blackie April 6, 2018 8:23 pm
    I don't call someone shitty just cause he pushed someone he loves away , that is not how shitty works , especially if he did it for the other person too (will be explained in next chapters ) @Anonymous

    Well no
    He did it because he didn’t want HIMSELF getting hurt
    And if Eunho is shitty and is an asshole for caring about someone so much and being mad at the person for breaking up with no reason at all ( Try to see Eunho’s POV. He doesn’t know Jaeha did it for I don’t think Jaeha did that because of Eunho)
    Then Jaeha is shitty as well
    None of them r better

    Blackie April 6, 2018 8:26 pm
    Do you really need for people to hate Jaeha that much?no one that likes Jaeha is gonna tell you he's a good guy, we all know he's a shit. You can still like him as a character tho and want for him to find happi... Kyu14

    I personally dislike him ( I’m not a fan of Eunho either I know characters r realistic and not perfect but I don’t like them in reality either )
    But I hate it when ppl r trying to justify Jaeha and they ignore his mistakes and r mad at Eunho
    Even if Jaeha did that for Eunho ( which I doubt) that doesn’t mean Eunho can figure it out by magic or something

    Blackie April 6, 2018 8:31 pm
    Do you really need for people to hate Jaeha that much?no one that likes Jaeha is gonna tell you he's a good guy, we all know he's a shit. You can still like him as a character tho and want for him to find happi... Kyu14

    Plus ppl who keep calling Eunho an asshole or rude,we can’t deny Jaeha was using Eunho as a sex toy before and that was the time Eunho didn’t say anything and hid his feelings when he told him they’re just sex friends or thousands of times he broke Eunho’s heart and Eunho had to deal with that but ppl r ignoring it saying he’s a monster and Jaeha is better
    Nope. If they hate Eunho for this they should hate Jaeha too because didn’t he do all these things?

    Blackie April 6, 2018 8:35 pm
    Plus ppl who keep calling Eunho an asshole or rude,we can’t deny Jaeha was using Eunho as a sex toy before and that was the time Eunho didn’t say anything and hid his feelings when he told him they’re jus... Blackie

    And then he remembered his past experiences and was scared to talk or being hurt again so he just left Eunho without even telling him
    Yeah nobody’s perfect and everyone makes mistakes but i’m just reminding Jaeha’s mistakes because all ppl can see is Eunho the one being the main jerk and the worst person on the planet lol

    Anonymous April 7, 2018 12:01 pm

    Eunho got results when he acted like a jerk while when he was a sweetheart he got his heart broken brutally. The people who hate him can dislike it all they want in the end Eunho gets results when he is cruel. Just something to chew on for a bit.

    Blackie April 7, 2018 2:35 pm
    Eunho got results when he acted like a jerk while when he was a sweetheart he got his heart broken brutally. The people who hate him can dislike it all they want in the end Eunho gets results when he is cruel. ... @Anonymous

    They think ppl should be sweet and caring towards the one who hurt them
    Sure it’s nice if someone does it but it’s not a responsibility and I don’t call someone who treats the one who hurt him the way he treated him ( I mean he’s just a better version of Jaeha in the past now ) a jerk

    KoizumikKawaiiChairo April 9, 2018 12:52 pm

    Omg , I agree with everything ya say ! Both have faults , to justify one for whatever reason and bash on the other just seems so hypocritical . It's called revenge/retaliation , idk if people know 'bout it ...

    I also like how you don't try to justify Eunho's behavior and also criticize Jaeha as well .

    Blackie April 9, 2018 11:32 pm
    Omg , I agree with everything ya say ! Both have faults , to justify one for whatever reason and bash on the other just seems so hypocritical . It's called revenge/retaliation , idk if people know 'bout it ... ... KoizumikKawaiiChairo

    It’s kinda funny how ppl try to criticize Eunho even though while Jaeha was acting like a jerk he didn’t do anything and hid his true feelings and everyone thinks it’s ‘sweet’
    It’s hilarious
    They’re doing the same thing so if there’s anyone to hate,Jaeha comes first
    Idk what’s with ppl who think semes should chase after the uke and act like a puppy even if they hurt them badly
    And honestly that’s what that annoys me in some yaoi mangas

    KoizumikKawaiiChairo April 10, 2018 7:38 am
    It’s kinda funny how ppl try to criticize Eunho even though while Jaeha was acting like a jerk he didn’t do anything and hid his true feelings and everyone thinks it’s ‘sweet’ It’s hilarious They’... Blackie

    I think I read a comment by a man who said the relationships in yaoi are often portrayed with the dynamics of a straight relationship - the man who treats the woman well no matter what . As a bi who is also into yuri (and girls) , I can see what they mean . Often times , one character (the seme or dominant one in yaoi and yuri) is supposed to be strong and take the "manly" role in the relationship while the other one (the uke or the weaker/submissive one) creates distance / trouble , and the stronger one is often chasing after and loving the weaker one unconditionally . I also can see the appeal since most of yaoi/yuri manga is geared towards straight people (often women) . The roles seem to have seeped into this manga (most yaoi -- upto an extent) and the fans also use that as a standard .
    ^^ that was just my theory tho , no hate on anybody . I do know that these dynamics exist because of the target audience .

    No matter what Jaeha does , people would find that cute/not as disturbing ; but god forbid that Eunho is as much of a jerk . No matter what , Eunho being put on this higher standard as compared to Jaeha is ridiculous , and irritates the fuck outta me .

    Not saying that Eunho is any better , he is persistent and can't seem to take "no" for an answer (which could be very dangerous in many situations). He has also become way more manipulative now . I overall think that he should've just left when Jaeha rejected him the first time , and lead a much better life with a person brave enough to love him back . But then we wouldn't be here discussing this rn , would we ?

    But I can guarantee that if Jaeha did the same , the fangirls would rush to defend their "bby" , giving tons of excuses ranging from "He's mentally ill/has gone through a lot" to
    "He's doing it for Eunho's benefit , how selfless!" .

    Yeah , no shit sherlock , he is mentally ill . You think Eunho is any more sane ? I haven't seen any sane person persistently run after one person constantly breaking promises and lying (Jaeha). My opinion ? Both of them need help .

    "He broke up for Eunho's sake!" No , he was scared of being responsible (and didn't have the courage to face society and Eunho's family) . If he were worried about Eunho , he'd discuss shit with him before coming to a reasonable decision (and not freak tf out the moment he saw the ring) . Even if he's ill , unfortunately , people are held responsible for their own actions (Personal Rsponsibility!) <- Trust , I know . I have gone through it .

    Lol , sorry for ranting and making you read a whole paragraph . I kinda felt irritated after reading the other comments and needed to rant a bit ...
    Btw , thank for reading .

    Blackie April 10, 2018 11:04 am
    I think I read a comment by a man who said the relationships in yaoi are often portrayed with the dynamics of a straight relationship - the man who treats the woman well no matter what . As a bi who is also int... KoizumikKawaiiChairo

    Omg u exactly said what I was trying to say
    And Eunho is doing the EXACT same thing but ppl r way more hateful towards him
    I have bad experiences,but killing someone because of my bad experiences is unjustifiable
    And no i’m not trying to say they have to be perfect but it was a mistake and both of them did the same thing
    And that’s one thing I HATE soooooo much when it comes to any mangas/manhwas in genres including romantic relationships
    Everyone has the same rights
    People are trying so hard to justify Jaeha and blame Eunho even though JAEHA was the jerk before and all they think about is that ‘aw the uke is so cute and sweet’

    KoizumikKawaiiChairo April 10, 2018 2:34 pm
    Omg u exactly said what I was trying to say And Eunho is doing the EXACT same thing but ppl r way more hateful towards himI have bad experiences,but killing someone because of my bad experiences is unjustifiabl... Blackie

    Ikr ?
    ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
    Jaeha fangirls also very conveniently tend to forget that Jaeha broke 2 promises ( he promised to paint Eunho's portrait and **Also Marry Eunho If He Fell In Love With Him** . I'll try to find the chapters as proof where he said this shit , if ya want .) . He's constantly lying , breaking promises and then has the nerve to go throw a drunken hissy fit in front of Eunho (after he discovered about the photograph / wife interaction) . He also blamed Eunho for going away after He Literally Broke Eunho's Heart during his drunken hissy fit ("moment of truth") . He also broke up with Eunho without telling him a proper reason and consulting him . I'm sorry but lying and then blaming others , throwing drunken hissy fits in front of the peerson whose heart you broke and breaking promises is called being a fucking jerk .
    And as to that , "He broke up for Eunho's sake" is absolute fucking bs , and I want none of it . Till now , with the info given , to me it seems like he chickened out to his fear of "things being ruined because of him" . If you're (<< Jaeha , not you lol ) a mature adult in a relationship who can't communicate basic stuff with their partners , DON'T BE IN A FUCKING RELATIONSHIP SINCE YOU'RE CLEARLY NOT READY AND ARE JUST GOING TO END UP HURTING THE OTHER PERSON . Like jfc , he needs to stop playing the damsel in distress game and just get some help (therapy) if he needs it.

    And after all this , Eunho is the person who needs to be considerate ?

    Ahh , I ranted a lot lol

    KoizumikKawaiiChairo April 10, 2018 2:41 pm

    Also , is it just me or are somehow all the Jaeha fangirls annon ? lmao , that says a lot doesn't it